Useful Articles for Changing Careers
コンサルに英語力は不問だがあると有利!ファーム別英語力を解説English Proficiency is not required for consulting, but it is advantageous to have it! English Proficiency Explained by Firm
海外出張の多い仕事はどれ?業界と職種をピックアップWhich jobs require a lot of overseas business trips? Picking out industries and occupations
アメリカのデータサイエンティストの年収はどれくらい?年収をアップさせるポイントも解説What is the annual salary of a data scientist in the US? Also explains the key to increasing your annual salary.
経理へ転職する際の志望動機の例文|ポイントや注意点なども解説Example of motivation for changing jobs to accounting|Explanation of points and cautions.
外資系IT企業で年収UP!特徴や英語レベルも解説Increase your annual income at a foreign IT company! Characteristics and English level are also explained.
外資系営業の仕事内容を業界別に解説!向いている人とは?A job description of foreign sales by industry! Who is the right person for the job?
Linkedinは転職に有効?効果的な使い方と会社にばれない対策を伝授Is Linkedin effective for job hunting? How to use Linkedin effectively and how to prevent your company from discovering it.
データアナリストの主なキャリアパスとは?仕事内容やニーズが高い職場も紹介What are the main career paths for data analysts? Includes job descriptions and workplaces with high needs.
データアナリストが転職する際の職務経歴書の書き方を解説!例文も紹介Explains how to write a resume for a data analyst changing jobs! Example sentences are also introduced.
データアナリストへ転職する際の志望動機の例文|ポイントや注意点なども解説Example of motivation for applying for a new job as a data analyst|Explanation of points and cautions.
外資系福利厚生の誤解:よくないといわれる理由や種類を徹底解説Misconceptions about Foreign Benefits: A thorough explanation of why they are not good and the types of benefits available.
外資系は転職回数が多くてもOK?職務経歴書や面接返答法を伝授Is it OK to change jobs many times in a foreign company?
外資系転職は女性にきつい?自分に合う企業に出会うポイントをご紹介Is it tough for women to change jobs in foreign companies? Find out what it takes to find the right company for you.
データアナリストの将来性は?データアナリストの魅力や将来性のあるアナリストの特徴も解説What is the future of data analysts? The attractiveness of data analysts and the characteristics of analysts with future potential are also explained.
データアナリストの平均年収は?年収アップのためにできることも紹介What is the average annual salary of a data analyst? Includes what you can do to increase your income.
AIエンジニアは年収1000万円以上稼げる?年収1000万円以上を目指す方法も解説Can AI engineers earn more than 10 million yen a year? Also explains how to aim for more than 10 million yen per year.
機械エンジニアにおすすめの資格4選|主な仕事内容や向いている人の特徴も解説4 recommended qualifications for mechanical engineers|Explanation of main job descriptions and characteristics of suitable candidates.
将来AIエンジニアはなくなる?需要が高まる産業や必要なスキルも解説Will there be no AI engineers in the future? Explaining the industries where demand will increase and the skills needed.
機械エンジニアの平均年収は?年収アップのためにできることも紹介What is the average annual salary of a mechanical engineer? Includes what you can do to increase your income.
外資系転職は年齢より実力重視!求められる人材について解説Career change at a foreign company focuses on ability rather than age! Explanation of the talent they are looking for
外資系オファーレターの取り扱い方!遅い時の対処法も解説How to handle a foreign offer letter! Also explains what to do when it's too late!
機械学習(AI)エンジニアが身につけておくべきスキルとは?モデル構築の流れなども解説What skills should a machine learning (AI) engineer have? Explanation of model building process, etc.
機械学習(AI)エンジニアの将来性は?需要が高まる産業や必要なスキルも解説What is the future of machine learning (AI) engineers? Explaining the industries where demand is growing and the skills required.
外資系面接の服装はプロフェッショナル感が大切!好感度UP法を伝授Professional Attire for a Foreign Company Interview is Important! Teaching you how to make a good impression
機械設計エンジニアが転職する際の自己PRの作成手順を解説!例文も紹介Explains the process of creating a personal statement for a mechanical design engineer changing jobs! Also includes example sentences!
機械設計エンジニアが転職する際の職務経歴書の書き方を解説!例文も紹介How to write a resume for a mechanical design engineer changing jobs! Example sentences are also introduced.
機械学習エンジニア(AIエンジニア)とデータサイエンティストの違いを徹底比較Thorough comparison of the difference between a machine learning engineer (AI engineer) and a data scientist.
機械学習エンジニアの平均年収は?年収アップのためにできることも紹介What is the average annual salary for a machine learning engineer? Includes what you can do to increase your income.
外資系企業と日系企業の違いを図表で解説!必要スキルと向いている人の特徴も紹介Explains the differences between foreign-affiliated companies and Japanese-affiliated companies with charts and graphs! Required Skills and Characteristics of Suitable People!
事業開発とは?具体的な仕事内容から必要なスキル、キャリアパスまで解説What is Business Development? From specific job descriptions to required skills and career paths.
データサイエンティストの将来性は?将来性がある理由と必要なスキルを解説What is the Future of Data Scientists? Why the future is promising and the skills you need.
新規事業コンサルタントとは?年収相場から転職に必要なスキルも解説What is a new business consultant? From the annual salary rate to the skills needed to change jobs.
FAエンジニアとは?年収相場から仕事内容、将来性についても解説What is an FA engineer? Explanation of the annual salary, job description, and future prospects.
ハードウェアエンジニアの将来性は?IT業界から転職する際のコツも解説The future of hardware engineers and tips on how to change careers from the IT industry.
ハードウェアエンジニアの平均年収は?仕事内容やオススメの資格も紹介What is the average annual salary of a hardware engineer? Job description and recommended qualifications.
データサイエンティストのキャリアパスとは?役立つ資格についても解説What is the career path for a data scientist? Useful Qualifications Also Explained
データサイエンティストに必要なスキルを徹底解説!役立つ資格も紹介An in-depth look at the skills needed to be a data scientist! Also introduces useful qualifications
データアナリストとデータサイエンティストの違いを徹底解説!共通点も紹介Thorough explanation of the difference between a data analyst and a data scientist! Also introduces the similarities.
データサイエンティストとは?主な仕事内容やなり方も解説What is a data scientist? Main job description and how to become one explained.
AIコンサルタントに資格は必要?転職に役立つAI関連の資格10選Do AI Consultants Need Certifications? 10 AI-related certifications to help you change careers
AIコンサルタントの平均年収は?大手コンサルティングファームの年収を徹底比較What is the average annual salary of an AI consultant? An in-depth comparison of annual salaries at major consulting firms
外資系転職に強い!使うべきおすすめ転職エージェントを紹介The best recruitment agency for foreign capital companies! Introducing the recommended recruitment agents you should use.
AIコンサルタントとは?仕事内容から将来性、必要なスキルまで解説What is an AI Consultant? Explanation of the job description, future prospects, and necessary skills.
外資系転職時期を見極める!月・キャリア・年代でベストを知ろうDetermining the Right Time to Change Jobs in the Foreign Service! Know the best by month, career, and age!
外資系企業で働くには?日系企業との違いや向いている人、資格や学歴について解説!How to work for a foreign company? Explanation of the differences from Japanese companies, who is suited for the job, qualifications and educational background!