Useful Articles for Changing Careers

データサイエンティストに英語力が必要?求められる業務やスキルを解説Do Data Scientists Need English Proficiency? Explanation of required tasks and skills.

機械学習(AI)エンジニアに資格は必要?転職に役立つAI関連の資格15選を紹介Do Machine Learning (AI) Engineers Need Certifications? Here are 15 AI-related certifications that can help you change careers.

おすすめのエンジニア向け転職エージェント18選、転職エージェントの選び方や注意点を解説18 recommended recruitment agents for engineers, how to choose a recruitment agent and what to look out for.

エンジニアの転職は何歳まで?制限や転職の理由や注意点について解説How old do engineers have to be to change jobs? Explanation of restrictions, reasons for changing jobs, and cautions.

機械学習エンジニアが「やめとけ」と言われている理由とは?機械学習エンジニアの魅力も紹介Why are Machine Learning Engineers Told to Stop? Also, what makes a machine learning engineer so appealing.

エンジニアの転職にGitHubは必須?使いこなせるメリットや注意点を解説Is GitHub essential for engineers changing jobs? Explaining the benefits of using it and what to keep in mind.

社内SEの志望動機はこれ!仕事内容から具体的な例文まで解説This is the motivation for applying for internal SE! From job description to specific examples

エンジニアの転職では準備が必要?具体的なステップと内容を解説Need to prepare for a career change as an engineer? Specific steps and details explained.

30代でエンジニア転職はできる!転職する5ステップを解説Changing careers as an engineer in your 30s is possible! 5 Steps to Change Jobs Explained

ロボットエンジニアはしんどい?ロボットエンジニアの魅力や向いている人の特徴も紹介Is it hard to be a robot engineer? Learn about the appeal of robotics engineering and who is suited for the job.

ロボットエンジニアは高収入?項目別にロボットエンジニアの年収を徹底比較Robotics Engineers: High Income? An In-Depth Comparison of Robotics Engineers' Incomes

ロボットエンジニアの将来性は?主な仕事内容から転職を有利にする資格まで解説What does the future hold for robot engineers? From the main job description to the qualifications that will help you change jobs.

SEからキャリアアップを目指す│職種の例やキャリアプランの立て方Career advancement from SE│Examples of job titles and how to make a career plan

エンジニアの平均年収は?職種ごとの年収や年収を上げるためのコツを紹介What is the average annual salary of an engineer? Annual salary by job title and tips on how to increase your income.

【経験者、未経験者別】20代のエンジニア転職成功のコツTips for Success in Changing Jobs as an Engineer in Your 20s