What is the average annual salary for a machine learning engineer? Includes what you can do to increase your income.


  • Industry Information

Machine learning is a type of technology that is in demand for AI development, and machine learning engineers are in demand to help build it. You may be wondering what kind of annual salary you can expect when working as a machine learning engineer.

In this article, we will introduce a basic overview of machine learning engineers and their average annual salary. We also introduce the elements required to become a machine learning engineer and what you can do to increase your annual salary.

What is a Machine Learning Engineer?

AI engineers are engineers who specialize in a technology called machine learning, sometimes referred to as AI engineers or ML engineers.

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that involves learning vast amounts of data to discover certain rules and patterns, and it is an essential technique for improving the accuracy of AI.

The main role of a machine learning engineer is to build machine learning models using knowledge of statistics and mathematics in order to derive certain rules and patterns from huge amounts of data.

Main Tasks of a Machine Learning Engineer

The main tasks are the development and implementation of machine learning models, as well as operation and maintenance after implementation. A machine learning model is a system in which input data is analyzed, evaluated and judged by a computer, and output as a result.

The input data and output results differ depending on the machine learning application. Therefore, one model cannot be used for all applications, and machine learning engineers must develop individual models for each purpose.

In addition, the development of machine learning models also requires data analysis and analysis. Furthermore, verification is also an important part of the job, since the learning results will differ depending on the model built. Repeated verification and modification will increase the accuracy of the models.

The actual content of work varies depending on the company you work for, such as the development of speech recognition engines or chatbots. Some engineers are involved in development from the design stage, while others are responsible only for the operation of the model, and the scope of work varies from company to company and person to person.

Compare annual salaries for machine learning engineers


Engineers who work in highly specialized fields have the image of having a high annual salary, but what about machine learning engineers? Here we introduce the average annual salary in Japan and overseas, as well as the average annual salary by age group.

Average Annual Salary of Machine Learning Engineers in Japan

According to Indeed, the average annual salary for machine learning engineers in Japan is around 5.3 million yen (as of April 29, 2024). Since the average annual salary for engineers is around 4.5 million yen (as of April 29, 2024), you can see that the average annual salary for machine learning engineers is high in comparison.

AI is becoming increasingly important throughout society, and many companies are hiring by offering high salaries. This seems to be a factor that raises the average annual salary. In particular, companies that focus on AI development may be able to expect above-average annual salaries. However, annual salary will vary depending on the region, experience, and level of expertise.

See: Indeed “Average Salary for Machine Learning Engineers in Japan”
See: Indeed “Average Salary for Engineers in Japan”

Main average annual salaries of machine learning engineers overseas

According to the U.S. job site Glassdoor, the average annual salary for machine learning engineers is said to be around 14 million yen. Therefore, it is likely that overseas machine learning engineers earn a higher income than in Japan.

If you want to increase your annual salary, working for a foreign company is an option. However, a higher level of expertise and skills are required, so you need to keep in mind to improve your skills on a regular basis.

Average Annual Salary of Machine Learning Engineers by Age Group

The average annual salary of machine learning engineers varies depending on their age. Based on data from Average-annual-earnings.JP, the average annual salary by age group is as follows.

20sAround 5.7-7.1 million yen
30sAround 6.8-8.9 million yen
40sAround 8.8 - 11.2 million yen
50s10.8 to 11.9 million yen
60sAround 710 to 11.9 million yen

Reference: Average annual salary.JP "We explain in detail about the annual salary and salary of AI engineers!

Average annual salary of machine learning engineers in their 20s

The average annual salary of machine learning engineers in their 20s is around 5.7-7.1 million yen. According to the National Tax Agency's "2022 Statistical Survey of Private Sector Salaries," the average annual salary for those in their 20s is 2.73 million yen for those aged 20-24 and 3.89 million yen for those aged 25-29. Compared to these average annual incomes, annual incomes for machine learning engineers are high, and it is possible to aim for a high income in one's 20s.

However, many 20-somethings start as machine learning engineers with no experience. If you are aiming for an above-average annual salary in your 20s, it is a good idea to start learning the skills early.

Average annual salary of machine learning engineers in their 30s

The average annual salary for machine learning engineers in their 30s is around 6.8-8.9 million yen, which is even higher than those in their 20s. According to the "2022 Statistical Survey of Private Sector Salaries," the average annual salary for engineers in their 30s is 4.25 million yen for those aged 30-34 and 4.62 million yen for those aged 35-39, so their income is higher than that of ordinary company employees.

If you have specialized knowledge and skills, you can become a machine learning engineer in your 30s. If you already have experience as a machine learning engineer, you may be able to change jobs under better conditions.

Average annual salary of machine learning engineers in their 40s

The average annual salary for a machine learning engineer in his/her 40s is around 8.8 to 11.2 million yen, and depending on experience and skills, an annual salary of 10 million yen or more may be a dream for a machine learning engineer in his/her 40s. According to the "2022 Statistical Survey of Private Sector Salaries," the average annual salary for those in their 40s is 4.91 million yen for those aged 40-44 and 5.21 million yen for those aged 45-49, so you can enjoy a comfortable life financially.

Machine learning engineers are in high demand, so some companies welcome experienced engineers in their 40s. Therefore, if you are changing jobs to increase your annual salary, try to find a company with better conditions than you have now.

Average annual salary of machine learning engineers in their 50s

The average annual salary for machine learning engineers in their 50s is around 10.8 to 11.9 million yen. The average annual salary for machine learning engineers in their 50s is 5.37 million yen for those aged 50-54 and 5.46 million yen for those aged 55-59, according to the "2022 Statistical Survey of Private Sector Salaries," indicating that the annual salary for machine learning engineers is significantly higher.

For machine learning engineers, the average annual salary would be considered to peak in their 50s. Therefore, by building up their skills and career by their 40s, they can expect to earn an average annual salary or even higher.

Average annual salary of machine learning engineers in their 60s

The average annual salary for machine learning engineers in their 60s is around 7.1 to 11.9 million yen. According to the "2022 Statistical Survey of Private Sector Salaries," the average annual salary for engineers in their 60s is 4.41 million yen for those aged 60 to 64 and 3.42 million yen for those aged 65 to 69. Although higher than these average annual incomes, they are slightly lower than those in their 40s and 50s by age group.

The reason for the lower average annual salary is thought to be that the number of machine learning engineers in their 60s as a whole has decreased due to the retirement age of 65, which has reduced the number of machine learning engineers in the workforce. In addition, this is a relatively new position, and the number of people still tends to be small. Therefore, the small number of machine learning engineers in their 60s themselves could be another reason for the low average annual salary.

However, those who gain experience from a young age and hold high positions may expect to earn more than 10 million yen a year until they retire.

Reference: National Tax Administration Agency, 2022 Statistical Survey of Private Sector Salaries [Average Salary by Age Group (p. 24)]

What does it take to become a machine learning engineer with high earning potential?


If you are working as an engineer but are dissatisfied with your current annual salary, one idea is to become a machine learning engineer, where you can aim for a higher annual salary. Here are some of the elements required to become a machine learning engineer.

Always collect information on the latest technologies

If you want to become a machine learning engineer, it is important to keep your antenna up and collect information on the latest technologies.

In the case of machine learning, the systems and models currently in use may become obsolete in just a few years. Therefore, it is advisable to always collect information on the latest technologies so that you can reflect it in your work.

Not many people can handle the latest technology. That is why people who can keep up with the latest technologies are valued by companies and may be highly evaluated.

Acquire programming languages suitable for the latest technologies

It is also important to acquire the latest specialized technology. In the case of machine learning, coding is done using programming languages such as Python and R. Therefore, you must have a good understanding of the programming languages suitable for the latest technologies.

Furthermore, knowledge of specialized libraries and frameworks such as NumPy and Pandas is also essential when implementing machine learning. Besides that, it is also a good idea to have a deeper understanding of mathematics and statistics.

Machine learning is based on mathematical formulas, and knowledge of statistics is sometimes required to analyze and process huge amounts of data. With the help of libraries, it is possible to turn machine learning around even if you have limited knowledge of mathematics and statistics. However, knowledge of mathematics and statistics will be scarce and may lead to an increase in annual salary.

Improve your management skills

If you want to advance your career, improve your management skills. As you gain more experience as an engineer, you will have the opportunity to become a field or team leader. If you become a leader or other managerial position, your annual salary will be even higher.

Leaders are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including managing a team, setting development policies, and selecting technologies to solve problems. Therefore, project management skills are essential. If you acquire management skills from an early stage, you will be able to smoothly advance in your career.

Acquire English language skills.

Research on AI and machine learning is more advanced overseas than in Japan. Therefore, many papers and official documents on AI and machine learning are written in English. In order to learn the latest technologies efficiently, a certain level of English proficiency is required.

If you are proficient in English, it is possible to work overseas, such as in the U.S., where the average annual salary is higher than in Japan. If you want to work abroad in the future, you should make it a priority to acquire English language skills as well.

What to look for when changing jobs to become a machine learning engineer to increase your annual salary.


Salaries vary from company to company, and changing careers can lead to a higher annual salary than you are making now. However, just because you are able to change jobs to become a machine learning engineer does not guarantee that your annual salary will be higher than your previous job. Therefore, it is important to find a new job that will lead to an increase in annual income.
Here are some points to keep in mind when changing jobs to become a machine learning engineer in order to increase your annual salary.

Make sure the company prioritizes your abilities.

If you are changing jobs in order to increase your annual salary, check to see if the company has introduced an ability-based salary system. Ability-based pay is a system in which wages are determined according to an individual's ability to work, such as knowledge and skills related to the job and work performance. Although it is a rare form of pay in Japan, some IT companies have introduced capability-based pay.

Since machine learning requires a high level of expertise, a company that prioritizes and evaluates ability will pay a salary that is commensurate with one's abilities. Unlike performance-based pay, which reflects company history and personnel performance, it is easy to earn a high salary regardless of age or length of service. If a company has introduced merit-based pay, there is a possibility of a significant increase in annual salary over your previous position.

Check if the company employs a job-based employment system.

Companies that employ a "job-based employment" system are also a good place to start your new job. Job-based employment is an employment method that limits recruitment to personnel with skills, qualifications, and experience that are effective in the performance of their duties. This method is also rare in Japan, but it is the mainstream method used by companies in Europe and the United States.

Job-based employment has the advantage that the company can secure personnel with specific skills and techniques. In other words, as a career changer, you may be able to engage in work that you want to do or in which you have strengths.

Another feature of this type of employment is that personnel are hired based on their agreement to a pre-determined job description, evaluation criteria, and salary structure. Another advantage is that it is not influenced by the subjective opinions of superiors or coworkers, making it easier to obtain a fair evaluation. Furthermore, since skills are emphasized in job-based employment, the salary level is higher than seniority-based assessments, making it easier to increase annual income by changing jobs.

Make sure the company is willing to invest in education and research

It is also important to choose a company that is willing to invest in education and research, as IT technology is constantly evolving and engineers must continue to learn every day. A company that focuses on education will allow you to continue working while improving your own market value.

In addition, companies that actively invest in education and research related to machine learning and AI are considered companies that fully understand the value of machine learning engineers. You can expect to earn a high salary because the company is aware of the need to evaluate you appropriately and to increase your market value.

Summary: United World is the place to be if you want to become a machine learning engineer.

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Machine learning engineers are closely related to AI development and are increasingly in demand.

Depending on the company you work for and your experience and skills, it is possible to aim for an annual salary of 10 million yen or more. If you want to increase your annual salary, consider becoming a machine learning engineer after acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills.

If you are looking for a new job as a machine learning engineer, we recommend United World, which has a wide range of engineering jobs. We have a large number of global jobs available at domestic startups, small and medium-sized companies, major corporations, and foreign-affiliated companies. One of our strengths is that our dedicated career advisors can provide one-on-one support, including job search consultation and advice on skill development. If you are considering a career change to Machine Learning Engineer, please click the button below to contact us.

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