What is the average annual salary of an AI consultant? An in-depth comparison of annual salaries at major consulting firms


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What is the average annual salary of an AI consultant? An in-depth comparison of annual salaries at major consulting firms

In recent years, AI technology has advanced rapidly and is being used in a variety of fields. As a result, the demand for AI consultants has been increasing year by year. In light of this background, many people may be aiming to upgrade their careers from engineers or programmers to AI consultants.

This article, therefore, explains the background behind the demand for AI consultants, their future prospects, and their annual salary rates. The article also includes examples of AI consultant jobs based on ideal annual income, so if you are considering changing careers to become an AI consultant, please refer to this article.

What is an AI consultant?

Consultants are professionals who use their knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to help clients solve their business problems. Their main job is to provide strategic advice on how to maximize the potential of AI in various fields, such as improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and developing new services and products.

From here, we will explain in detail the background and future prospects of the recent demand for AI consultants.

Background of the demand for AI consultants

AI technology has advanced rapidly in recent years and is now being used in a variety of fields. Among them, the evolution of generative AI, including ChatGPT, has dramatically expanded the scope of AI applications.

As AI technology is put to practical use in various forms, companies are seeking AI consultants who can help them formulate business strategies using AI and assist in its implementation and operation. However, the IT industry is currently suffering from a labor shortage, and in particular, there is a significant shortage of personnel who can handle AI.

In fact, according to the "IT人材需給に関する調査" published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the shortage of traditional IT personnel (IT personnel responsible for contracted development, operation, and maintenance of traditional systems) is expected to be resolved by 2030, while the shortage of advanced IT personnel (IT personnel who will lead new businesses in response to the fourth industrial revolution, including AI, big data, and IoT) is expected to be reduced. However, the shortage of advanced IT personnel (IT personnel who will lead new businesses in the fourth industrial revolution, such as AI, big data, and IoT) is expected to become even more serious, according to some estimates.


Source: "IT人材需給に関する調査," Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

As described above, many companies have yet to take the plunge into AI implementation due to a lack of in-house personnel capable of handling AI.

As AI technology is expected to develop further in the future, the presence of AI consultants will become even more important to meet the needs of such companies.

Prospects for AI Consultants

AI technology is making remarkable progress, and its market size continues to grow.

According to the "令和5年度版 情報通信白書" published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the domestic AI system market is expected to grow to 388,367 million yen in 2022 (up 35.5% from the previous year) and to reach 1,103,477 million yen in 2027.

令和5年度版 情報通信白書の資料

Source: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)|令和5年版 情報通信白書|Market Overview

As shown above, the market size of AI is rising steadily, and the need for AI consultants is expected to increase accordingly.

As AI technology advances, it is expected that AI will take over all jobs in the world, but the risk of AI consultants being replaced by AI is considered to be low.

AI consultants fill this gap by identifying the importance of such data and supporting strategic decision making. AI consultants fill this gap by identifying the importance of such data and supporting strategic decision making.

As such, AI consultants are considered less likely to be replaced by AI than other professions, and demand for AI consultants is expected to continue to grow in the future.

Annual Income Chart for AI Consultants by Age


The hierarchy of AI consultants can be broadly divided into four levels, although there are some differences in terminology among consulting firms: junior level, mid-level, senior level, and expert level. The annual salary rates for each level are as follows

HierarchyAnnual Income Market
Junior Level4 to 7 million yen
Mid-level (Senior)6 - 12 million yen
Senior level (manager)8 - 15 million yen
Expert level (Senior Manager)13 million to 30 million yen

In addition to being a highly specialized occupation, there are not enough people to keep up with the speed at which AI is spreading, and the market value is high, resulting in such a high level of annual income.

Although the annual salary varies depending on age and region, the demand for AI consultants is expected to increase further with the development of AI technology in the future, and the annual salary is expected to rise further accordingly.

Examples of AI Consultant jobs based on ideal annual salary


Annual salaries for AI consultants vary widely depending on their skills and experience. In general, AI consultants with extensive knowledge and experience in AI can earn a higher income.

Here are some examples of actual AI consultant jobs we have introduced to our clients by annual income.

Examples of jobs with annual incomes of over 4 million yen

Jobs for AI consultants with annual incomes of 4 million yen or more are mainly targeted at "junior level" candidates who have basic knowledge and skills in AI but are still inexperienced in the field.

For example, if you search for jobs with an estimated annual salary of "4 million yen or more," you will find the following jobs.

Job page of the recruitment agency "United World Inc.

We are looking for AI consultant personnel who meet the following requirements for this position

  • At least 1 year of work experience
  • Very high level of curiosity/willingness to learn new things
  • At least 1 year of experience in data analysis
  • Strong writing skills in Word/Excel/PPT

Even at the junior level, experience working as a consultant and experience in data analysis are essential. On the other hand, even if you have only a few years of experience, if you are judged to have high potential, you may be hired for an AI consultant job with an estimated annual salary of 4 million yen and up.

Examples of jobs with annual incomes of 6 million yen or more

In many cases, jobs with an estimated annual salary of "6 million yen or more" are mainly for "mid-level (senior level)" candidates who have specialized knowledge and skills in AI and can assist in project execution as a manager's right-hand man.

In fact, AI consultant jobs with an estimated annual salary of "6 million yen or more" include the following

Job Page of the recruitment agency "United World Inc.

In general, a minimum of 3-5 years of consulting work experience is a requirement for mid-level AI consultant jobs. The job page above sets the following requirements for applicants

  • At least 3 years of experience as a sales representative or consultant at a SIer or consulting firm (regardless of target industry)
  • At least 3 years of experience in business planning, corporate planning, or DX promotion at a business company (regardless of target industry)

Examples of jobs with annual incomes of 8 million yen or more

Jobs with an estimated annual salary of "8 million yen or more" are targeted at "senior level (manager)" candidates who not only have a wealth of AI-related skills and experience, but are also capable of managing a team as the person in charge of the project site.

For example, AI consultant jobs with an estimated annual salary of 8 million yen or more include the following

Job Page of the recruitment agency "United World Inc.

At the senior level, many companies are looking for candidates with advanced project management skills as well as the ability to make strategic proposals and implement them from a management perspective in order to solve client issues. In fact, the above job page lists the following application requirements

  • Applicants who are capable of handling the entire process of corporate management strategy planning, proposal, and implementation
  • MBA holder or possess equivalent skills and experience
  • Experience in strategic consulting

Examples of jobs with annual incomes of 10 million yen or more

In many cases, jobs with an estimated annual salary of "10 million yen or more" are for "expert-level (senior manager)" candidates who can oversee multiple projects and execute operations from a strategic perspective.

The following jobs were found when searching for "10 million yen or more per year".

Job Page of Recruitment Agent "United World Inc.

The above is a job opening for a Data Scientist and AI Consultant with an estimated annual salary of 14-30 million yen. The job page lists the following application requirements

  • Experience in data analysis and consulting with project responsibility (at least two)
  • Experience(s) in a series of data analysis tasks using machine learning techniques
  • Knowledge of statistical analysis/machine learning techniques
  • Python (or R) and SQL programming skills
  • Basic business skills (presentation / documentation / logical thinking, etc.)

What are the benefits of working as an AI consultant?


There are three main advantages to working as an AI consultant

  • High demand and future potential
  • Greater scope for career change and career advancement
  • Possible to become independent in the future

We will explain each of them in detail.

High demand and potential for the future.

AI consultants are expected to be in ever-increasing demand, making it a highly promising career field.

As mentioned above, the size of the AI market is rising steadily and is expected to grow to 1,103,477 million yen by 2027. As the market grows, the demand for AI personnel is increasing year by year, but the supply is not keeping up with the demand.

According to the "Survey Report on IT Human Resources Supply and Demand" released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2019, there will be a shortage of 545,000 AI personnel (advanced IT personnel) by 2030.

Thus, the shortage of AI personnel is expected to continue for at least several more years, and the seller's market is expected to accelerate.

Increased scope for career change and career advancement

One of the benefits of working as an AI consultant is that it expands your options for career change and career advancement. AI consultants can gain experience in dealing with a wide range of business issues in a variety of industries, which can facilitate a smooth transition to other industries.

Especially today, when AI technology is being applied across industries, these skills are highly valued in all fields.

By utilizing your technical skills in system development and data analysis, as well as your business skills in project management and strategic planning, you may be able to find a job as an IT consultant, project manager, or at a foreign consulting firm.

Possible to become independent in the future

After a satisfactory career as an AI consultant, you may choose to go independent. AI is becoming increasingly important in today's business environment, and the demand for personnel with expertise in this field continues to grow.

Therefore, experienced AI consultants can expect to further increase their income by becoming independent. Another advantage of being independent is that you have more freedom in the way you work and can choose the projects that interest you.

Summary: Consider a career change to an AI consultant, who will continue to be in increasing demand.

In this issue, we have explained the background behind the growing demand for AI consultants, their future prospects, and the annual salary rate for AI consultants.

AI consultants are required to have a high level of expertise and business skills, but their annual salary is also high. Depending on skills and experience, it is possible to earn more than 10 million yen per year.

Although knowledge of AI and practical experience in consulting are required, it is a good idea to become an AI consultant as an option for career advancement.

At United World Inc., dedicated career advisors support your job search by working closely with each individual. After carefully listening to your detailed requirements and career plans, we will introduce you to the best job opportunities that suit you best, so please feel free to contact us if you want to make your job change more efficient.

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