Purpose - なぜ社会に存在するのかWhy do we exist in society -
「誰もがどこでも働ける世界をCreating a world where anyone can work anywhere」
働きたくても働けない人はまだ多く存在します。優秀でやる気に満ち溢れた人でも言葉の違いや住む場所、国籍によって仕事を探す上で制限を受けたりします。また、働いてお金を稼いで家族を支えなければいけないのに仕事が見つからない現状が世界にはあります。我々のサービスを通じて誰もがどこでも働ける世界、年齢、性別、人種、宗教、価値観、肉体的特徴に捉われず多様な人々が働ける世界を実現し、この問題を解決します。There are many people who struggle to find work. Even talented and motivated people face many problems job hunting due to language, location and nationality. Additionally, many struggle to find work while also under the burden of supporting their families. We strive to solves this problem by creating a world where anyone can work anywhere through our services.
狂信的に、我々のサービスを通じて世界をよく出来る、世界の人々を幸せに出来ると信じています。We solve this problem by creating a world where anyone can work anywhere through our services.
Vision - どこを目指しているか Looking to the Future -
「世界最大の人流インフラとなるTo be the World’s Largest Human Resources Infrastructure」
今後は世界各国に拠点を設立して世界中の人々の就業支援を行なっていきます。世界最大規模の求人と人材ネットワークを抱え、世界中での人材の流動化を促進し、誰もがどこでも働ける世界をつくりあげます。Currently, United World mainly provides services to foreign nationals living in Japan and bilingual Japanese people, but we seek to establish branches in all countries. Our goal is to provide jobs to people regardless of their nationalities, languages and locations. In order to become the world’s largest recruitment and human resources network, we will promote the mobility of human resources beyond borders and create a world where anyone can work anywhere.
Value - 私たちは何を大切にしているかWhat We Hold Dear -
「プロとして最良のサービスを追求し続けるProviding Professional and Exceptional Service」
お客様にサービスを必要とされ続けなければ、会社が存在し続けることは出来ません。私たちは自己満足のために仕事をしているのではなく、求職者様と採用者様の役に立ちたい、喜んでもらいたいという一心で仕事に取り組んでいます。We do not work for self-satisfaction. We maintain the highest levels of professionalism for our clients. We value the people we work with and place a high importance on a fun work environment while maintaining professionalism. In order to do so, we are committed to both our professional and personal development.
永続的にUnited Worldが存在するためにも、我々はサービスの改善を一生追求し続けます。
世界一の企業を創り世界一の社長になるTo create the No.1 company and be the No.1 CEO in the world
ミネソタ大学ツインシティー校を卒業後に起業。その後、経営コンサルティング会社や人材会社を経てUnited Worldを再度設立。常識に縛られず挑戦を。Born in Japan. Founded United World Inc after working at a consulting company, and NPO/NGO.
人のより良い教育と成長のためFor the better education and growth of people
ペルー出身。弁護士としてキャリアを開始。奨学金を得て大阪大学大学院で経済学の修士号を修了した後、ペルー市役所、公益財団法人アジア人口・開発協会を経てUnited Worldを創業。Began a career as a lawyer. After obtaining a scholarship and completing a Master's degree at Osaka University, worked at the Peru city government and the Asian Population and Development Association, a public interest incorporated foundation, before founding United World.
45歳にしてパパになった尊重を忘れない優しい営業マンKind and respectful salesman (Became a father at 45)
新卒でシステム会社に入社し、エンジニアとしてキャリアを開始。その後、商社に勤めた後にUnited Worldに入社しグローバル企業の採用を支援。自身で投資にも力を入れており、不動産投資を得意とする。Started his career as an IT engineer. After he had experience in a trading company, he joined United World and has been supporting the recruitment of global companies. He enjoys studying investment and is proficient at real estate investment.
笑顔と元気で求職者を勇気づける関西娘のキャリアアドバイザーChanging tough times into big opportunities as a career advisor
新卒で就活1社のみ応募し外資系企業に内定。その後渡豪し、就職活動に苦戦も5スターホテルに入社。コロナ渦帰国後再び就職活動に苦戦のちUnited Worldに入社。自身の経験を活かし候補者に寄り添いながら転職活動をサポート。As a new graduate, she applied for only one company and decided to work at a foreign firm. After that, she went to Australia and joined a 5 star hotel despite difficulties in finding a job. After returning to Japan due to Corona, she joined United World.
2児のママさんキャリアアドバイザーCareer advisor and mother of two children
新卒として世界大手の外資系半導体メーカーにてサプライチェーンを行う。その後はロンドンに渡り、スポーツメーカーのCSや、大手日系通信会社の営業担当として法人顧客のITインフラ構築に従事。2児のお母さんの顔を持ちUnited Worldでキャリアアドバイザーとして活躍中。As a new graduate, she worked in the supply chain at a major foreign semiconductor manufacturer. After that, she moved to London and dealt with the construction of IT infrastructure as a saleswoman. A mother of two, she is now working as a career advisor at United World.
カリスマ キャリアアドバイザーCharismatic Career Advisor
大学卒業後は米国コンサルティング会社のマーケットリサーチャーとして勤務。その後は出版会社のスイス支社立ち上げのためスイス駐在。United Worldでは海外での採用経験を活かしキャリアアドバイザーとして活躍中。After graduating from university, she worked as a market researcher for a US consulting company. After that, she worked in Switzerland to launch the Swiss branch of a publishing company. Now, as a career advisor at United World. She is making use of her overseas recruitment experience.
より多くの企業と求職者を繋ぐ架け橋にTo become a bridge between global companies and job seekers
幼少期と学生時代を東南アジアで過ごし、オランダの大学を卒業後、4大会計事務所系税理士法人に入社。その後、大手コンサル・M&Aアドバイザリーファームを経て、United Worldに入社。She spent her childhood and teens in Southeast Asia. After graduating from a university in Europe, she joined a big consulting firm specializing in M&A advising. With a passion for our passion for our mission, "Creating a World Where Anyone Can Work Anywhere", she decided to join United World.
富山から働くママさん営業Working as a saleswoman, raising a child in Toyama
新卒として理化学機器等の広告・販促サービスの営業に従事。その後、CADオペレーターとして、車の内装部品の設計変更業務や解析等を担当。現在は子供と休日にシーグラス集めやキャンプをしながら、平日はUnited Worldで営業としてグローバル企業の採用を支援。After graduating from university, she started working as a saleswoman for advertising and sales promotion services for physics and chemistry equipment. After that, as a CAD operator, she was in charge of design change work and analysis of car interior parts. Now, she has joined United World to support global companies.
米国から日本へ移住しUnited WorldにJoinWorking as a career advisor after pursuing her career in the US
米国ロングビーチの大学を卒業後にアパレル会社に入社し、カリフォルニアにて10年以上勤務。営業職を中心に、生産管理、自社ブランドの立ち上げから商品企画/マーケティ ングまで経験し、会社にも大きく貢献する。その後、米国での生活に一旦区切りをつけ日本に帰国し、United Worldにキャリアアドバイザーとして入社。After graduating from a University in Long Beach, USA, she joined an apparel company and worked in California for over 10 years. Focusing on sales, she worked for production management, launching her own brand, product planning/marketing, and contributed greatly to the company. Now, she has come back to Japan and joined United World as a career advisor.
弱い立場の方の味方になるためHelping socially vulnerable people
大阪大学を卒業後に大手物流会社の営業部にて4年間勤務。その後、社会的に弱い立場の方々の味方になりたいとカウンセラーを志し、大阪大学大学院とセント・クラウド州立大学(米国)にて心理学の修士号を取得。 現在は、難民の方へのカウンセリングを行う傍ら、United Worldにて日本企業に勤める方々へカウンセリングを提供。She worked for four years in the sales department of a major logistics company. After that, she aimed to become a counselor because she wanted to help socially vulnerable people. Currently providing counseling to citizens and refugees in the US, she also provides counseling to people working for Japanese companies as an industrial counselor at United World.
フィリピン出身で、大学を卒業後に金属部品のプレス加工を行う会社に生産管理として従事し、工程手順書作成や新部品の生産準備を担当。その後、板金部品メーカーにて購買や生産管理を担当して、現在はUnited Worldでキャリアアドバイザーとしてグローバル人材の転職を支援。 Originally from the Philippines, after graduating from university, she worked as a production manager at a manufacturing company. After that, she was in charge of purchasing and production management at a sheet metal parts manufacturer. She is currently working as a career advisor at United World, supporting global recruitment.
奈良県で生まれ育ち、高校を卒業後にバックパッカーとして約70カ国を旅する。その後インドの大学を卒業後に大手人材・広告会社にて中小企業向けに広告・予約システムの営業を経験した後にUnited Worldへ入社しキャリアアドバイザーとして活躍中。 Raised in Nara, Japan, after graduating from high school, she traveled to about 70 countries as a backpacker. After graduating from a university in India, she started working in sales of advertising and reservation systems for small and medium-sized businesses at a major human resources and advertising company, and then joined United World. Now, she is currently working as a career advisor, supporting golabal talents.
企業の採用をサポートするバイリンガル営業Bilingual sales supporting the recruitment of clients
パルプメーカーにて社長秘書を経験した後、商社での海外営業職として新規商材や海外サプライヤーの発掘に従事。United Worldでは、バイリンガルの営業としてグローバル企業の採用を支援。After working as a secretary at a pulp maker, she worked at a trading company. She discovered new products and overseas suppliers in an overseas sales position. Now, she supports the recruitment of global companies as a bilingual sales at United World.
南アメリカと北米をバックパッカーで回った後に、United Worldに入社。現在はRAとCAを両面担当しながらクライアントの採用を支援。 After graduating from Kansai University, he joined a major HR and advertising company and gained experience in corporate sales. He then worked at a web advertising agency supporting companies with their web marketing.
After backpacking around South and North America, he decided to join United World. He currently works as both a RA and CA, supporting clients with recruitment.
会社名Company |
ユナイテッドワールド株式会社United World Inc 英語表記:United World Inc |
所在地Office |
電話番号Phone Number |
03-6685-7977(代表番号)03-6685-7977 (Main Phone Number) |
代表取締役CEO |
朝日 将Masaru Asahi |
設立Founded |
2019年8月August , 2019 |
事業内容Business |
1.グローバル人材に特化した人材紹介事業1. Global Recruitment Business 2.オンライン英語レッスン「マイクの英語発音」の運営2. Online English lesson, "Mike's English Pronunciation" 3.オンライン日本語レッスン「本気日本語」の運営3. Online Japanese lesson, "Maji Nihongo" |
許可番号License |
有料職業紹介事業許可 08-ユ-300423Japanese recruitment licese 08-ユ-300423 適格請求書発行事業者登録番号 T2011401021994Invoice Registration Number T2011401021994 |