For those considering a career change to machine learning (AI) engineering, qualifications are important: the field of AI is developing rapidly, and certifications to prove your skills are attracting more and more attention.
In this article, we will introduce 15 AI-related certifications that will help you in your job search and explain how each certification can benefit your career. We hope you will find it useful.
As a prerequisite, there are no specific qualifications required to become a machine learning (AI) engineer. However, having a certification can prove your skill set objectively, which can be advantageous when changing jobs or getting a promotion.
In particular, AI-related qualifications are highly valued as evidence of up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the latest technologies, so there is no harm in acquiring such qualifications. In addition, the process of acquiring qualifications provides systematic knowledge, so you can solidify a foundation that will be useful in your work.
If there are applicants with similar abilities and achievements, it is better to have materials to showcase your skills, since your qualification may determine whether you are successful or not.
また、資格取得者だけが参加できるコミュニケーションも存在します。たとえば、G検定・E検定の合格者のみが参加できるコミュニティ「CDLE(Community of Deep Learning Evangelists)」は、日本ディープラーニング協会が運営する資格の合格者で構成された6万人を超える大規模のAIコミュニティです。公式Slackへの参加やアウトプットする場が提供されることで、より知識を深めることができるのは資格取得者の特権といえるでしょう。
United Worldでは、キャリアアドバイザーが機械学習(AI)エンジニアへの転職活動をサポートします。資格取得だけでなく、転職成功に向けたスキルアップのアドバイスなど、転職に関するさまざまな相談に対応します。転職活動に不安がある方は、お気軽にご相談ください。
To enhance your career as a machine learning engineer (AI), certification can be very beneficial. Below we discuss some of the specific benefits of certification.
By acquiring qualifications, you can objectively prove your specialized knowledge and skills in AI and machine learning.
Naturally, it is better to have the qualifications section of your resume filled in than to have it blank, which gives a good impression to the hiring manager. Having qualifications proves that you have knowledge of machine learning, which is especially useful if you are considering a career change from a different industry.
It is predicted that there will be a shortage of approximately 120,000 AI personnel by 2030, and a serious shortage is expected to continue. Therefore, AI-related certifications will continue to be in high demand in the future.
In recent years, AI-related qualifications have been attracting a lot of attention, and companies are increasingly encouraging their employees to acquire qualifications. Obtaining a certification improves your reputation in the industry and at the company, increasing your chances for promotion and salary increases.
Of course, certification alone does not directly lead to career advancement, but it is an effective means of proving skills and knowledge and expanding career options.
AI-related certifications will allow you to narrow your field of expertise or challenge yourself in new areas, broadening your career path options. You will be able to narrow your focus and broaden your career path.
Another benefit of acquiring a certification is the clarity of learning goals. Most certification exams clearly define the scope and curriculum of the exam, so you know exactly what knowledge and skills you need to acquire. This makes it easier to make a study plan and to study more efficiently.
With clear goals, it will be easier to feel the progress of your studies, which will help you maintain your motivation. In addition, having a concrete goal of obtaining a certification will increase your motivation for learning and help you develop the habit of studying systematically.
By obtaining a certification in machine learning, you will be able to communicate with people who have the same certification or who are aiming for the same certification through SNS and other means, and share the latest information and tips for learning. This will help you gain perspectives and solutions that you may not have realized on your own, and will lead to improvements in your technical skills.
In addition, there are also communications that are only available to those who have obtained certifications. For example, the Community of Deep Learning Evangelists (CDLE), a community that only those who have passed the G and E certifications can join, is a large AI community of over 60,000 people consisting of those who have passed the certifications run by the Japan Deep Learning Association. It is a privilege for those who have passed the certification to deepen their knowledge by participating in the official Slack and being provided with a place to output their work.
At United World, our career advisors will support your job search for a machine learning (AI) engineer. In addition to certification acquisition, we also provide advice on how to improve your skills for a successful career change, as well as a variety of other consultations related to career change. If you have any concerns about changing jobs, please feel free to contact us.
資格名 | 試験内容 | 受験方法 | 受験料(税込) | 難易度(合格率) |
Pythonエンジニア認定試験 | ・Python3エンジニア認定基礎試験: オライリー・ジャパン「Pythonチュートリアル 第4版」 ・Python3エンジニア認定データ分析試験: 翔泳社「Pythonによるあたらしいデータ分析の教科書」 ・Python3エンジニア認定実践試験: 技術評論社「Python実践レシピ」 | CBT方式(※1) | Python3エンジニア認定基礎試験:11,000円(一般) Python3エンジニア認定データ分析試験:11,000円(一般) Python3エンジニア認定実践試験:13,200円 | Python3エンジニア認定基礎試験:75% Python3エンジニア認定データ分析試験:75%~85% Python3エンジニア認定実践試験:50%前後 |
統計検定 | 1級:統計数理、統計応用 準1級:確立と確率変数、種々の確率分布、統計的推測(推定)(検定)、回帰分析、標本調査法など | CBT方式 ※1級のみPBT方式 | 1級:10,000円(「統計数理、統計応用」の同時受験の場合) 準1級:8,000円(一般) | 1級:20%前後 準1級:20%前後 |
認定AI・IoTコンサルタント | AICの役割 AI・IoT・ビッグデータの基本 導入事例分析 | 会場/オンライン | AI・IoTジュニアコンサルタント:16,500円 AI・IoTシニアコンサルタント:66,000円 AI・IoTマスターコンサルタント:99,000円 | 各レベル:80%~90% |
G検定 | 人工知能の定義・動向・問題、機械学習の具体的手法、ディープラーニングの概要・手法・社会実装に向けて | オンライン実施(自宅受験) | 13,200円(一般) | 約60~70% |
E資格 | 応用数学、機械学習、深層学習、開発・運用環境 | 各地の試験会場にて実施 | 33,000円(一般) 27,500(会員) | 70%前後 |
AI実装検定 | B級:AI超入門(学習と推論、データとタスク、パターン認識、歴史、読み書き表現、計算と整理、開発と運用) A級:AI、プログラミング/数学 S級:NL、/Model | CBT方式 | B級:9,900円(一般) A級:14,850円(一般) S級:33,000円 | 70% |
ITパスポート試験 | ・テクノロジ系 基礎理論、コンピューターシステム、技術要素 ・マネジメント系 開発技術、プロジェクトマネジメント、サービスマネジメント ・ストラテジ系 企業と法務、経営戦略、システム戦略 | CBT方式 | 7,500円 | 50%前後 |
基本情報技術者試験 | ・テクノロジ系 基礎理論、コンピューターシステム、技術要素、開発技術 ・マネジメント系 プロジェクトマネジメント、サービスマネジメント ・ストラテジ系 システム戦略、経営戦略、企業と法務 | CBT方式 | 7,500円 | 47.1% (新試験制度に変わった2023年度の合格率) |
応用情報技術者試験 | ・テクノロジ系 基礎理論/コンピューターシステム/技術要素/開発技術 ・マネジメント系 プロジェクトマネジメント/サービスマネジメント ・ストラテジ系 システム戦略/経営戦略/企業と法務 | CBT方式 | 7,500円 | 25%前後(直近5年間の合格率の目安) |
データサイエンティスト検定 | ・データサイエンス力 ・データエンジニアリング力 ・ビジネス力 | CBT方式 | 10,000円(一般) | 第1回目:66% 第2回目:50% 第3回目:42% 第4回目:44% 第5回目:38% 第6回目:44% |
AWS Certified Machine Learning-Specialty | - | 40,000円 | ||
AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals | ・Artificial Intelligence ワークロードと考慮事項についての説明 ・Azure での機械学習の基本原則について説明 ・Azure のコンピュータービジョンワークロードの機能について説明 ・Azure の Natural Language Processing (NLP) ワークロードの機能について説明 ・Azure上の生成系AIワークロードの特徴について説明 | オンライン/テストセンター | 12,500円(日本) | - |
AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution | ・Azure AIソリューションの計画・管理、コンテンツモデレーションソリューションの実装 ・コンピュータービジョンソリューションの実装 ・自然言語処理ソリューションの実装 ・ナレッジ マイニング・ドキュメントインテリジェンスソリューションの実装 ・生成AIソリューションの実装 | オンライン/テストセンター | 21,102円(日本) | |
DP-100:Azureでのデータサイエンスソリューションの設計と実装 | ・機械学習ソリューションの設計と準備 ・データの探索とモデルのトレーニング ・モデルのデプロイ準備 ・モデルのデプロイと再トレーニング | オンライン/テストセンター | 21,102円(日本) | - |
Professional Data Engineer | ・データ処理システムの設計 ・データの取り込みと処理、データの保存 ・分析用データの準備と仕様 ・データ ワークロードの管理と自動化 | 遠隔監視オンライン/テストセンター | 約31,000円(2024年6月11日時点での為替ルートより) | - |
(※1)CBT(Computer Based Testing)方式:試験会場に用意されたパソコンを使って、インターネット経由で受験する試験
G検定は、 一般社団法人日本ディープラーニング協会(JDLA)が主催しており、AI・ディープラーニングの基礎知識を有し、AI技術をビジネスに適切に活用できる能力があるかを評価する検定試験です。2024年3月時点で累計受験者は12万人、合格者は8万人突破と、近年注目されているAI関連資格の1つとなります。
ITパスポート試験は、独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)が運営しており、ITに関する基礎的な知識を認定する国家試験です。この試験では、新しい技術(AI、ビッグデータ、IoT など)や新しい手法(アジャイルなど)の概要に関する知識をはじめ、経営全般(経営戦略、マーケティング、財務、法務など)の知識、IT(セキュリティ、ネットワークなど)の知識、プロジェクトマネジメントの知識など幅広い分野の総合的知識が問われます。
年度(春期) | 合格率 |
2020年 | 58.8% |
2021年 | 52.7% |
2022年 | 51.6% |
2023年 | 50.3% |
2024年(4月度のみ) | 50.1% |
年度(春期) | 合格率 |
2019年 | 23.4% |
2020年 | 23% |
2021年 | 24% |
2022年 | 24.3% |
2023年 | 27.2% |
参照:独立行政法人情報処理推進機構(IPA)「情報処理技術者試験 情報処理安全確保支援士試験 統計資料(令和6年度 春期試験)」
これまでに6回の試験が実施されていますが、受験できるのは「見習いレベル」に相当する「データサイエンティスト検定™ リテラシーレベル(略称:DS検定® ★)」のみのため注意してください。
AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty(AWS 機械学習専門認定資格)は、Amazon Web Services(AWS)上で機械学習モデルの構築、トレーニング、チューニング、およびデプロイに関する専門知識とスキルを認定するAmazonの公式認定資格です。
AWS Certified Machine Learning-Specialty公式サイト
Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals(AI-900)は、機械学習やAIに関する基礎知識を証明するMicrosoft Azureの認定資格です。この資格は、AIの基本概念やAzureでのAIソリューションの作成方法を学ぶことができます。Azureの認定資格は初級(Fundamentals)、中級(Associate)、上級(Expert)の3レベルに分かれており、AI-900は初級に位置づけられます。
Microsoft社は、Azure資格取得のための学習リソースとして無料講座「Microsoft Learn」を提供しています。AI-900に合格するための講座が多数用意されているので、これらのリソースを活用して効率的に学習を進めましょう。
AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals公式サイト
Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution(AI-102)もMicrosoft Azure認定資格の1つで、Microsoft Azure環境でAIソリューションを設計、構築、および管理する能力を証明する中級者向けの資格です。
AI-900同様、Microsoft社が提供する無料講座「Microsoft Learn」をうまく活用して学習を進めましょう。
AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution公式サイト
Azureでのデータサイエンスソリューションの設計と実装(DP-100)は、Microsoft Azure認定資格の1つで、Azure環境でデータサイエンスソリューションを設計、構築、および運用する能力を証明する試験です。具体的には、Azure Machine Learningの機能を使い、ブラウザとPythonライブラリを通じて機械学習パイプラインを構築し、学習からデプロイ、監視までを実行するスキルが問われます。
AI-900やAI-102同様、Microsoft社が提供する無料講座「Microsoft Learn」で学習を進めましょう。
Professional Data Engineerは、Google Cloudが提供する認定資格の1つで、データエンジニアとしてのスキルと知識を証明するものです。この試験では、データの設計、構築、運用、セキュリティを含むデータエンジニアリングの分野における専門知識が問われます。
合格率は公開されていませんが、データエンジニアとしての実務経験が豊富な人でも苦戦するレベルといわれています。しかし、近年Google Cloud Platformを活用する企業が増えてきているため、Professional Data Engineerの認定資格を保有していることで、好待遇の求人にも応募しやすくなるでしょう。
なお、受験資格はとくに定められていませんが、業界経験3年以上かつGoogle Cloudソリューションの設計・管理経験が1年以上あると、よりスムーズに学習を進められます。
With AI-related certifications popping up one after another, many people may be scratching their heads and wondering, "I don't know which one to get..." Here are 15 AI-related certifications that will help you become a machine learning engineer. Here we introduce 15 AI-related certifications that will help you become a machine learning engineer.
Major overseas AI-related qualifications are also explained, so please refer to them for your future qualifications.
Name of Qualification | Test Contents | method of taking an examination | Examination fee (tax included) | Difficulty (pass rate) |
Python Engineer Certification Examination | Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam:. O'Reilly Japan "Python Tutorial, 4th Edition Python3 Engineer Certification Data Analysis Exam: Shoei-sha "New Data Analysis Textbook in Python Python3 Engineer Certification Data Analysis Exam: Shoei-sha "New Data Analysis Textbook with Python Python3 Engineer Certification Practice Exam: "Python3 Engineer Certification Practice Exam" by Gijutsu-Hyohronron Co. Python3 Engineer Certification Practice Exam: "Python Practice Recipes" by Gijutsu-Hyohronron Co. | CBT system(※1) | Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam: 11,000 yen (general) Python3 Engineer Certification Data Analysis Exam: 11,000 yen (general) Practical exam for Python3 Engineer Certification: 13,200 yen | Python3 Engineer Certification Basic Exam: 75%. Python3 Engineer Certification Data Analysis Exam: 75%-85 Practical exam for Python3 Engineer Certification: around 50 |
statistical test | Level 1: Statistical mathematics, statistical applications Level 1: Establishment and random variables, various probability distributions, statistical inference (estimation) (testing), regression analysis, sample survey methods, etc. | CBT method PBT method for Level 1 only | Level 1: 10,000 yen (when taking "Statistical Mathematics and Statistical Applications" at the same time) Level 1: 8,000 yen (general) | Level 1: around 20 Level 1: around 20 |
Certified AI and IoT Consultant | The Role of the AIC Basics of AI, IoT, and Big Data Case Analysis | Venue/Online | AI/IoT Junior Consultant: 16,500 yen AI/IoT Senior Consultant: 66,000 yen AI/IoT Master Consultant: 99,000 yen | Each level: 80% to 90 |
G-test | Definition, trends and problems of artificial intelligence, specific methods of machine learning, overview of deep learning, methods and social implementation | Online (home examination) | 13,200 yen (general) | Approx. 60-70 |
E Qualifications | Applied mathematics, machine learning, deep learning, development and operational environments | Conducted at various test sites | 33,000yen(General) 27,500(Member) | Around 70 |
AI Implementation Test | Class B: Super Introduction to AI (Learning and Reasoning, Data and Tasks, Pattern Recognition, History, Reading and Writing Representation, Computation and Organization, Development and Operations) Level A: AI, Programming/Mathematics S level: NL, /Model | CBT system | Class B: 9,900 yen (general) Class A: 14,850 yen (general) Class S: 33,000 yen | 70% (of the total) |
IT Passport Examination | Technology Basic theory, computer systems, technical elements Management Development technology, project management, service management Strategies Corporate and legal affairs, management strategy, system strategy | CBT system | 7,500 yen | Around 50 |
National Examination for Basic Information Technology Engineers | Technology Basic theory, computer systems, technical elements, development technology Management Project management, service management Strategies Systems strategy, management strategy, corporate and legal affairs | CBT system | 7,500 yen | 47.1% (pass rate for fiscal year 2023 when the new examination system was introduced) |
Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination | Technology Basic theory/computer systems/technical elements/development technology Management Project management/Service management Strategies System strategy/Management strategy/Corporate and legal affairs | CBT system | 7,500 yen | Around 25% (approximate pass rate for the last 5 years) |
Data Scientist Certification | Data science capabilities Data engineering skills Business | CBT system | 10,000 yen (general) | 1st session: 66%. 2nd round: 50%. Third session: 42%. Fourth session: 44%. Fifth session: 38%. Sixth session: 44%. |
AWS Certified Machine Learning-Specialty | - | 40,000 yen | ||
AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals | Explanation of Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations Explained the basic principles of machine learning in Azure Explains the capabilities of Azure's computer vision workloads Explained the features of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) workload in Azure Describes the features of the generative AI workloads on Azure | Online/Test Center | 12,500 yen (Japan) | - |
AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution | Planning and management of Azure AI solutions, implementation of content moderation solutions Implementing a computer vision solution Implement a natural language processing solution Implement a Knowledge Mining and Document Intelligence solution Implementing a Generative AI Solution | Online/Test Center | 21,102 yen (Japan) | |
DP-100: Designing and Implementing Data Science Solutions in Azure | Design and preparation of machine learning solutions Data exploration and model training Preparation for model deployment Deploy and retrain models | Online/Test Center | 21,102 yen (Japan) | - |
Professional Data Engineer | Design of data processing systems Data capture and processing, data storage Preparation and specification of data for analysis Data workload management and automation | Remote Monitoring Online/Test Center | Approx. 31,000 yen (based on exchange route as of June 11, 2024) | - |
(*1) CBT (Computer Based Testing) method: Examination taken via the Internet using a computer provided at the examination site.
The Python Engineer Certification Examination is an examination to evaluate expertise in the general-purpose programming language Python, and is sponsored by the Python Engineer Training Promotion Association.
The following three Python certifications are currently available
By first taking and passing the Basic Exam, then the Data Analysis Exam, and finally the Practical Exam, you will be able to systematically deepen your Python skills. The Practical Exam is the highest level of Python certification in Japan, and is expected to be highly regarded when you change jobs because you can prove your knowledge at a practical level.
The questions for the Python Engineer Certification Exam are based on the content of O'Reilly Japan's "Python Tutorial," so be sure to check it out.
Python Engineer Certification Examination Official Website
The Statistics Certification Examination, administered by the Japan Statistical Quality Assurance Promotion Association, is a test to evaluate statistical knowledge and skills, and also tests knowledge of AI development.
The statistics certification consists of 10 categories: five general categories from Level 1 to Level 4, and six specialized categories: statistical researcher, professional statistical researcher, basic data science, development, and expert. Depending on your level of knowledge and skills and your objectives, you can take the examination in any of the 10 categories.
In order to work on solving real-world problems as a machine learning engineer, we recommend that you take the Level 1 or higher.
Statistics Certification Examination Official Website
The Certified AI/IoT Consultant (AIC) certification is administered by the Association for the Promotion of AI/IoT (AIPA) and certifies the consultant's ability to specialize in AI x IoT. The AIC certification consists of the following three levels, which can be taken in this order
To obtain the AIC certification, you must take the AIC training courses available for each level online and pass the exam. The training for juniors is half a day, for seniors two days, and for masters three days.
The Junior and Senior certifications are valid for one year and must be renewed annually.
Certified AI/IoT Consultant (AIC) official website
The G-Certification is a certification test to evaluate the candidate's basic knowledge of AI and deep learning and ability to appropriately apply AI technology to business. As of March 2024, the total number of examinees has reached 120,000, and the number of successful examinees has exceeded 80,000.
In this certification exam, you can understand the approximate structure and mechanism of AI/deep learning by systematically learning about AI/deep learning, such as "what is AI/deep learning" and "what AI can do and what you should pay attention to.
Furthermore, upon passing the G-Certificate, you will be able to join CDLE, one of the largest AI human resource communities in Japan. This will provide you with opportunities for networking and information exchange, and will expand your opportunities for continuous learning and practice.
G certification official website
The E certification, also sponsored by the JDLA, is a comprehensive and in-depth examination that tests the candidate's understanding of AI and deep learning, and is more technical in nature than the G certification.
The syllabus is updated every year or two, so it is necessary to keep up with the latest knowledge. Also, past exam questions are not published, making it difficult to predict the content of the exam, so you will need to be creative in your study methods.
To qualify for the E certification, you must have completed the JDLA Certification Program for Deep Learning Engineers within the past two years. If the certification program is covered by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's education and training benefit program, you may be eligible for up to 70% subsidy, so please check the official website.
E-qualification official website
The AI Implementation Certification Test is sponsored by EQUATION Inc. and evaluates actual implementation skills in addition to theoretical knowledge of AI technology. the test consists of the following three levels to help students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills as AI engineers in a step-by-step manner.
Reference: AI Implementation Certification Official Website
For those who wish to systematically acquire AI knowledge and implementation skills, we recommend the following plan to step up step by step.
To prepare for the AI Implementation Certification Test, the official website lists the official teaching materials and recommended books for each level, so be sure to check them carefully before proceeding with your preparation.
AI Implementation Certification Examination official website
The IT Passport Examination is administered by the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA), and is a national examination that certifies basic knowledge of IT. The exam tests comprehensive knowledge in a wide range of areas, including knowledge of new technologies (AI, Big Data, IoT, etc.), an overview of new methods (Agile, etc.), knowledge of general management (management strategy, marketing, finance, legal affairs, etc.), knowledge of IT (security, network, etc.), and project management. Comprehensive knowledge in a wide range of fields is tested.
The Information Technology Engineer Examination is divided into 13 categories, and the IT Passport Examination is the most basic "Level 1" of the 13 categories. As shown in the pass rate data for the past five years, one out of every two applicants passed the exam, making it a relatively easy certification exam compared to other national examinations.
Year (Spring) | Pass Rate |
2020 | 58.8% |
2021 | 52.7% |
2022 | 51.6% |
2023 | 50.3% |
2024(April only) | 50.1% |
IT Passport Examination official website
Like the IT Passport Examination, the Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination is a national examination administered by the IPA to certify the basic knowledge and skills required to become an advanced IT professional. The examination system was changed in April 2023, and now consists of two parts, Subject A and Subject B (formerly the morning and afternoon examinations). Subject A tests basic IT knowledge, while Subject B tests more specialized knowledge.
The Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination is positioned as Level 2 of the Information Technology Engineer Examination category, and is one of the easier national examinations to pass.
However, it is not an easy exam to pass without preparation. Even if you are already working in the IT field and have some knowledge of IT, you will need to spend about 50 hours studying for the exam. The average pass rate for fiscal year 2023, when the new examination system was introduced, was 47.1%.
Basic Information Technology Engineer Examination official website
The Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination is also administered by the IPA, and is a difficult national examination that is classified as Level 3 in the Information Technology Engineer Examination category. This exam is designed to assess basic information technology knowledge as well as more advanced specialized knowledge and applied skills.
While the Basic Information Technology Engineer exam is multiple-choice, the Applied Information Technology Engineer exam is written in the afternoon, testing deeper knowledge and applied skills.
The pass rate for the last five years has been around 25%, so this is not an easy exam to pass. The scope of the exam is quite broad, so it is difficult to pass without preparation.
However, there is information that about half of the questions on the Applied Information Technology Engineer exam are from past exams, so it is important to repeatedly solve past exams.
Fiscal year (spring term) | Pass Rate |
2019 | 23.4% |
2020 | 23% |
2021 | 24% |
2022 | 24.3% |
2023 | 27.2% |
27.2% (Reference: Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA))
Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination official website
The Data Scientist Certificate (DS Certificate), organized by the Data Scientists Association of Japan (DSAJ), is a certification examination that certifies that an applicant has basic knowledge and skills in mathematics, data science, and AI education. Since it was first held in September 2021, the number of examinees has been increasing in line with the growing demand for data professionals.
The Association classifies the skills of data scientists into the following four levels
Please note that although six examinations have been conducted so far, only the Data Scientist Certification Test™ Literacy Level (abbreviated as DS Test® ★), which corresponds to the "Apprentice Level," can be taken.
Data Scientist Certification Test official website
AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty recognizes expertise and skills in building, training, tuning, and deploying machine learning models on Amazon Web Services (AWS) It is an official Amazon certification.
The specific scope of the exam has not been published, but resources for exam preparation, including an exam guide and practice questions, are available on the official AWS certification exam website. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the type of question format.
AWS Certified Machine Learning-Specialty official website
Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900) is a Microsoft Azure certification that demonstrates basic knowledge of machine learning and AI. Azure certifications are divided into three levels: Fundamentals, Associate, and Expert.
The AI-900 exam is designed to be taken by those with no particular technical background, and is recommended as the next exam for those who have passed the aforementioned G certification and wish to deepen their knowledge of AI.
Microsoft offers a free course, Microsoft Learn, as a learning resource for Azure certification, and there are many courses available to help you pass the AI-900, so take advantage of these resources to learn more efficiently.
AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals official website
Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution (AI-102) is another Microsoft Azure certification and is designed for intermediate-level professionals who want to demonstrate their ability to design, build, and manage AI solutions in a Microsoft Azure environment. The AI-102 is a certification for intermediate-level professionals.
In addition to the knowledge required for the AI-900, the AI-102 requires in-depth knowledge of each service and solution design knowledge to organize requirements and select appropriate services from a given scenario.
As with AI-900, make good use of Microsoft Learn, a free course offered by Microsoft.
AI-102: Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution official website
The Designing and Implementing Data Science Solutions in Azure (DP-100) is a Microsoft Azure certification that certifies your ability to design, build, and operate data science solutions in an Azure environment. Specifically, the exam tests the candidate's skills in building a machine learning pipeline through a browser and Python library using Azure Machine Learning functionality, from learning to deployment to monitoring.
The DP-100 is an intermediate level certification and is not too difficult to pass if properly studied. Although not a national certification, this Microsoft certification is internationally recognized and can be an advantage when looking for a new job.
As with the AI-900 and AI-102, you can study for the DP-100 through Microsoft Learn, a free course offered by Microsoft.
The Professional Data Engineer is one of the certifications offered by Google Cloud, which certifies your skills and knowledge as a data engineer. The exam tests expertise in the area of data engineering, including data design, construction, operations, and security.
The pass rate is not disclosed, but it is said to be a level that even those with extensive work experience as data engineers struggle with. However, as more and more companies are using Google Cloud Platform in recent years, holding the Professional Data Engineer certification will make it easier to apply for good-paying jobs.
Although there are no specific requirements to take the exam, three years of industry experience and at least one year of experience in designing and managing Google Cloud solutions will make the learning process easier.
In this article, we have introduced 15 AI-related certifications that can help you become a machine learning engineer.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are no specific qualifications that are required to become a machine learning (AI) engineer. However, having a certification will give you an advantage when changing jobs or getting a promotion because you can objectively prove your skill set.
If there are applicants with similar abilities and achievements, it is possible that your qualifications will determine whether or not you are successful, so why not take a proactive approach?
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