採用のための在留資格(ビザ)の変更手続きChange of visa for employment
在留資格(ビザ)の変更についてChange of status of residence (visa)
就労の可能な在留資格に変更するためには、原則として申請者本人が下記の書類を集め(代理人申請も可)、最寄りの地方出入国在留管理官署に提出します。The biggest difference between hiring a foreign national and hiring a Japanese national is the change of status of residence (visa). If you are already working for a Japanese company and have a status of residence that allows you to work in Japan, you do not need to change your status of residence if your work matches the scope of your status of residence. As an example, an IT engineer basically has a "Technical/Humanities/International Business Visa" status, so if he/she works as a programmer or designer again at his/her new workplace, there is no need to change his/her visa status since his/her job description fits the "Technical/Humanities/International Business Visa". The same can be said for salespeople who will work as salespeople again at their new employer. All you need to do is submit a "Certificate of Eligibility for Employment" to the Immigration Bureau.
Cases in which a change of status of residence is required are those in which the status of residence is changed from "College Student" or "Family Resident" which does not allow full-time employment to "Technical/Humanities/International Services" or other statuses that allow employment. Most of the people we introduce to our clients fall into this category.
In order to change your status of residence to one that allows you to work, you must gather the following documents in person (proxy applications are also acceptable) and submit them to the nearest regional immigration office.
採用される外国人の方が用意する書類Documents to be prepared by the foreign national being hired
2. 在留資格とパスポート
3. 写真 (*サイズ40mm × 30mm、3ヶ月以内に撮影されたもの)
4. 卒業証明書(または卒業見込証明書)
5. 成績証明書
6. 履歴書
------必須ではないが、あれば提出した方が好ましいもの ------
8. 申請理由書 (A4サイズ、フリーフォーマット)
9. 日本語能力試験の証明書Application for Change of Status of Residence
You can download the form from the Ministry of Justice link below.
2. status of residence and passport
Photo (*size 40mm x 30mm, taken within the last 3 months)
4. certificate of graduation (or certificate of expected graduation)
5. academic transcript
6. curriculum vitae
7. resume (not required but preferred if available) ------
8. letter of reasons for application (A4 size, free format)
9. certificate of Japanese Language Proficiency Test
会社側が用意する書類Documents to be prepared by the company
1.雇⽤用契約書(労働条件通知書) 写し
2. 前年分の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表 (税務署受付印のあるもの) 写し
4.直近の決算報告書(貸借対照表および損益計算書) 写し
5.履歴事項全部証明書 原本
*上場している会社様は2, 3, 4, 5を揃える必要はなく上場を証明する書類(四季報)を提出して頂ければ問題ないです。
------必須ではないが、あれば提出した方が好ましいもの ------
6.採用理由書 (A4、形式⾃自由。法人印(ご実印)押印 要)原本
地方出入国在留管理局の審査を終え、就労のための在留資格が許可されると、4,000円を納付する必要があります。1. Contract of Employment (Notice of Working Conditions) Copy
*The working conditions must be described.
*It is necessary to add the sentence "However, it is a prerequisite for employment that the applicant obtains a status of residence that enables him/her to work. must be added. The document must have your company's name, seal (personal seal), and signature of the applicant. 2.
2. a copy of the statutory registration statement such as the statement of withholding tax for the previous year (with the stamp of the tax office)
3. company brochure/information sheet
4. a copy of the most recent financial report (balance sheet and profit and loss statement)
Original Certificate of All Historical Matters
*For listed companies, it is not necessary to submit 2, 3, 4, and 5, but only the document proving listing (quarterly report).
------Not required but preferable to submit if available ------
6. Letter of Reason for Employment (A4, any format. (A4, free format, corporate seal (your personal seal) required) Original
*Please describe the relevance of the applicant's knowledge, ability, education and experience to the work to be done, the importance and high level of the work to be done, and the applicant's good character)
7. List of foreign national employees
After completing the examination by the regional immigration office and being approved for status of residence to work, you will be required to pay 4,000 yen.
記事についてAbout the article
*上記の内容については、これまでに外国人求職者の在留資格の変更をサポートした経験や外国人在留総合インフォメーションセンターに問い合わせて作成したものです。弊社自体は行政書士の資格を所持しておらず、法的な責任は取りかねますので内容の詳細確認は入国管理局までお問い合わせください。If you have any questions about this article, please contact us at the following e-mail address
We can also refer you to an administrative scrivener.
*The above information is based on our experience in assisting foreign job seekers to change their status of residence and our inquiries to the General Information Center for Foreign Residents. Please contact the Immigration Bureau for detailed confirmation of the contents as we are not qualified as an administrative scrivener and cannot take legal responsibility.