関西娘のキャリアアドバイザーKansai girl career advisor who encourages job seekers with her smile and energy.
キャリアアドバイザーCareer advisor
三木 麻緒Mao Miki
- United Worldではどんな仕事をしていますか?What kind of work do you do at United World?
普段は求職者の方と面談をして、ご要望をヒアリングしお仕事探しのお手伝いをさせて頂いています。弊社はグローバル人材に注力しており、海外の方やグローバル企業で働きたい方のお仕事紹介も積極的に行なっています。We usually meet with job seekers, listen to their requests, and help them find jobs. Our company focuses on global human resources, and we actively introduce jobs to people from overseas and people who want to work for global companies.We are also actively introducing jobs to people who want to work for global companies.
- どんな時にやりがいを感じますか?When do you find it rewarding?
もちろん、お仕事が決まった時はなにより嬉しいですが個人的には求職者の方に心を開いてもらえた時ですかね。面接の前に緊張している、どうしよう!!や面接後にこんな感じだったよとすぐご連絡頂くことも多く、いつの間にか友人のように様々なことをシェアしてもらえることもあります。転職は人生において大事な選択かと思いますが、その方の人生に携われることができたというのは幸せなことだと思います。Of course, I am most happy when I get a job, but personally, I think it is when a job seeker opens up to me. I personally think it is when a job seeker opens up to me! or "What should I do? I think that changing jobs is an important choice in one's life, and I am happy to have been able to be a part of that person's life.
- United Worldを選んだ理由はなんですか?Why did you choose United World?
まず “ Creating a World Where Anyone Can Work Anywhere”という会社のスローガンに深く心を動かされるものがありました。私自身、日本にいるときに仕事探しに苦労したことはなかったのですが、オーストラリアで初めての挫折を経験しました。英語があまり話せない私を雇ってくれるところはなかなか見つからず、こんなにも自分は必要とされていないのかと酷く落ち込みました。仕事がようやく決まってからも英語が話せてもちゃんと働かない人もいれば、英語は上手くないけどとても仕事ができる人もいました。言語のバリアで実力を発揮できない人が多いことがとても残念に思い、どこにいても個々がそれぞれ活躍できることを目標に掲げている弊社に共感しました。また、面接の際に皆さんがとても良い方だったのが大きな理由です。面接官と話した後に「この会社と自分は合わなそう」と感じることも多々ありましたが、代表をはじめ皆さんアットホームでここなら自分らしく働くことができそうだなと感じました。First of all, I was deeply moved by the company's slogan, "Creating a World Where Anyone Can Work Anywhere. I myself had never had a hard time finding a job when I was in Japan, but I experienced my first setback in Australia. It was difficult to find a place that would hire me because I could not speak English very well, and I was very depressed that I was not needed as much as I thought. Even after I finally found a job, there were people who could speak English but did not work properly, and there were others who could work very well even though their English was not good. I was very disappointed that so many people were unable to demonstrate their abilities due to language barriers, and I felt empathy for our company, which aims to enable each individual to be active wherever he or she is.Another major reason was that everyone was very nice during the interview process. After talking with the interviewers, there were many times when I felt that I would not fit in with the company, but I felt that I would be able to work here in my own way because everyone, including the representative, was at home.
- 会社・チームの雰囲気はどんな様子ですか?What is the company/team atmosphere like?
とても距離が近いです。フルリモートですが常にコミュニケーションを取っています。また代表も私たちの意見をかなり尊重してくださるので社員一人一人の意見が反映されます。We are very close. Although we are fully remote, we are in constant communication. Also, the representative is very respectful of our opinions, so each employee's opinion is reflected in the company.
- 入社後にご自身の成長を最も感じた瞬間はどんな時でしたか?What was the moment when you felt your personal growth the most after joining the company?
求職者の気持ちに寄り添えていると感じたときです。お仕事をご紹介するのはもちろんですが、それぞれ皆さん仕事探しにおいて悩みや不安をお持ちです。そんな時に自分の経験を活かしてアドバイス差し上げることで、お仕事探しのみならず気持ちの面のサポートもできると、成長できたと感じます。It is when I feel that I am able to relate to the feelings of job seekers. Of course we introduce jobs, but everyone has their own worries and anxieties when looking for a job. I feel that I have grown as a person when I can offer advice based on my experience and provide support not only in the job search process, but also in the emotional aspect.
- 1日のざっくりなタイムスケジュールを教えください。Please give us a rough time schedule for a day.
まず朝一番にすることはメールと今日のスケジュールチェックです。その後は求職者の方と面談を行い、営業チームと共有してお仕事の紹介をします。スカウトメールを送り求職者の方に求人のご提案もしています。The first thing I do first thing in the morning is check my email and today's schedule.After that, I meet with job seekers and share with our sales team to introduce jobs. I also send out scout emails and make job offers to job seekers.
- 最後に、プライベートの過ごし方を教えてください!Finally, how do you spend your private time?
私はピクニックに行くことやサンセットを見に行くことが大好きです。美味しいコーヒーを飲みながら自然に触れ合えるととても幸せを感じます。I love going on picnics and watching the sunset.I feel so happy when I can get in touch with nature while drinking a good cup of coffee.
新卒で就活1社のみ応募し外資系企業に内定。その後渡豪し、就職活動に苦戦も5スターホテルに入社。コロナ渦帰国後再び就職活動に苦戦のちUnited Worldに入社。自身の経験を活かし候補者に寄り添いながら転職活動をサポート。As a new graduate, she applied to only one job hunting company and was offered a position at a foreign-affiliated company. After that, she went to Australia and joined a 5-star hotel, although she struggled with job hunting. After returning to Japan from Corona Whirlpool, she again struggled with job hunting before joining United World. She supports candidates in their job search activities by utilizing her own experiences.