尊重を忘れない優しい営業マンAt the age of 45, I became a dad.Gentle salesman who never forgets to be respectful.
営業&人材コンサルタントSales & Human Resources Consultant
中村 高之Takayuki Nakamura
- United Worldではどんな仕事をしていますか?What kind of work do you do at United World?
仕事内容は主に新規クライアントの開拓、既存クライアントとの関係性作り。また、クライアントから頂いた求人の作成、アップデート等です。I am working in sales. I have never been in sales before and am taking on this challenge as an inexperienced sales person.My job mainly involves developing new clients and building relationships with existing clients. I also create and update job offers received from clients.
- どんな時にやりがいを感じますか?When do you find it rewarding?
企業が即戦力の方を採用したい気持ちは分かるのですが、即戦力の方はなかなか採用できません。今採用できる人を採用して、企業を成長させる選択をする方が私は良いと考えています。採用できない間は企業としては停滞している状態と言えますので。We introduce many engineers to our clients, but since engineers are in short supply, we have a hard time introducing them to our clients. Therefore, we are happy when we are able to lower the level of Japanese language skills by proposing the easing of requirements.We understand that companies want to hire people who can work immediately, but it is difficult to hire people who can work immediately. I think it is better to hire people who can be hired now and choose to let the company grow. As long as a company is unable to hire, it can be said that it is in a state of stagnation.また、多くのクライアントは魅力的な事業を行なっていますが、認知度が低く採用に苦戦するクライアントも多く、そのお手伝いをできる事も仕事のモチベーションになっています。なお、色々なクライアントの方と知り合う機会があるのも楽しみです。仕事を通してクライアントの方と気軽に飲みに行けるような関係性を構築できたらと常に考えています。Also, many of our clients have attractive businesses, but many of them are struggling to recruit because of a lack of recognition. I also look forward to the opportunities to get to know various clients. I always hope to build a relationship with my clients through my work so that I can easily go out for a drink with them.
また、求職者や新規クライアントの獲得と新しい取り組みもしており、新しい事へのチャレンジも楽しみの一つです。I am also looking forward to taking on new challenges with job seekers and new clients.
- United Worldを選んだ理由はなんですか?Why did you choose United World?
代表とはフットサルで仲良くなったのですが、代表となら面白い事ができると感じたのが決め手です。また、新しい事へチャレンジもしたかったので、未経験の営業ポジションに転職しました。I became friends with the representative through futsal, and I felt that I could do interesting things with him, which was the deciding factor. I also wanted to try something new, so I changed to a sales position, which I had no experience in.
- 会社・チームの雰囲気はどんな様子ですか?What is the company/team atmosphere like?
この一言に尽きますが、皆さん、各々一生懸命にやりつつ、フルリモートながら協力して仕事を進めていると感じます。その為、ここ数か月、結果が出ており、今年の業績はもちろん来年の業績も良い結果になると考えています。Everyone in the company is nice.This is the only word I can use to describe them. I feel that everyone is working hard each and every one of them and cooperating with each other while working full remote. This is why we have seen good results in the past few months, and we believe that this year's performance, as well as next year's, will be good as well.
- 入社後にご自身の成長を最も感じた瞬間はどんな時でしたか?What was the moment when you felt your personal growth the most after joining the company?
代表からはやる事をやっていれば結果は出ると言われていました。本当に?と思っていましたが、日々コンスタントにやっていると結果は出ます。The representative told me that as long as I did what I was supposed to do, the results would come. Really? I thought so, but if you consistently do it day in and day out, you will see results.
未経験の営業ポジションでしたので不安はありましが、新規クライアントを開拓して担当のクライアントが増えると自ずと推薦数が増え、オファーも頂く事ができました。売上も今では毎月コンスタントに出てきています。結果も出てきたので、自信を持ってクライアントへ接することが出来るようになり、このことが求人獲得への好循環に繋がっていると思います。I was worried because I had no experience in this sales position, but as I developed new clients and the number of clients I was in charge of increased, the number of recommendations naturally increased, and I was able to receive offers. Sales are now consistently coming in every month. I think this has led to a virtuous cycle of job offers.
一方、在宅ワークとなるので座って仕事だけしていると体力が落ちますし、集中力も下がるので、途中で筋トレしたり(笑)、自己管理をより心がけるようになったので、精神的にタフになったとも思います。On the other hand, since I work from home, I lose energy and concentration when I just sit and work, so I do muscle training during the day (laughs).
- 1日のざっくりなタイムスケジュールを教えください。Please give us a rough time schedule for a day.
レスポンスが必要な業務から行いますので日によってはクライアントとのメールでの調整や、社内でのメール、推薦状の作成で終わってしまう事もありますが、新規クライアントの獲得の重要なタスクですので上記の業務をバランス良く行っています。The main tasks are to communicate with clients, create and update job postings, introduce candidates to the most suitable positions, and acquire new clients.I start with tasks that require a response, so depending on the day, I may end up coordinating with clients via e-mail, sending internal e-mails, or writing letters of recommendation.
- 最後に、プライベートの過ごし方を教えてください!Finally, how do you spend your private time?
去年の11月に子供が生まれたので子供と触れ合っている時間が多いですね。あとは、読書やフットサルをしています。フットサルはストレス発散にもなりますし、体力維持のためにも継続しています。I had a baby last November, so I spend a lot of time interacting with my kids. I also read and play futsal. Futsal is a great stress reliever and I continue to play futsal to maintain my physical fitness.
社内のシステム担当として7年間、部署異動で配属された経理で7年程経験後にUnited Worldへジョイン。After graduating from college, he worked for 9 years at an SES systems company in the infrastructure field.He worked for 14 years at a second trading company.After 7 years in charge of internal systems and 7 years in accounting, he joined United World.