• Contract

Publication date: 2023.11.17

R&D at National University (NAIST)

#1988 Research Scientist (Data Driven Science)

  • R&D (Bio, Chemicals, Healthcare, Others)
  • Ibaraki
  • Salary ¥4M - ¥8M
#1988 研究員(データ駆動型サイエンス) つくば市勤務
職種Position R&D (Bio, Chemicals, Healthcare, Others)
会社概要Company profile [University Profile]
NAIST(NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY)was established as a national graduate university specializing in the field of science and technology, the Institute promotes the deepening and integration of research in the three fields of information science, bioscience, and material creation science, which form the foundation of advanced science and technology, and contributes to the creation of world-class advanced research and innovation that will help solve global-scale problems. The Institute also develops leading-edge research results in education and fosters global human resources who will create value for the next generation.

[Overview of the Organization (Center for the Creation of Data-Driven Science)]
In recent years, there has been a shift in approach toward "data-driven" science, in which models are found to explain experimental data obtained in various forms. The Center for the Creation of Data-driven Science is developing data-driven science, including materials informatics, across the fields of information science, bioscience, materials science, and their fusion areas, and is exploring new interdisciplinary fusion areas in these fields.
仕事内容Job description [Background of recruitment]
At the Data-driven Science Creation Center, they are conducting a research project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) entitled "Development of Continuous and Precise Production Process Technology for Functional Chemicals / Development of Continuous and Precise Production Process Technology for Functional Chemicals / ③-a-a. Construction and Verification of Synthetic Pathway Design System" (a sub-commissioned research project by an external company). They are looking forward to working with researchers with solid knowledge and skills to vigorously promote research and development in advancing the "Construction and Verification of Synthetic Pathway Design System" (a sub-commissioned research project by an external company).

They are looking for a person who is willing to work together with researchers who have solid knowledge and skills to promote research and development vigorously.

[Attractive points of company/work]
- The position is located in a graduate school that researches one of Japan's leading cutting-edge technologies.
- Only English is required for the job/research

[Job description]
Research work related to enhancing the functionality of synthetic route design software.
応募資格Requirement [Requirements]
(1) To ensure diversity in the creation of synthetic pathways, you must have basic knowledge of chemistry, including the five key reactions (*) that are frequently used in the synthesis of functional chemicals, as well as a background in organic chemistry.
  The five key reactions are acid- and base-catalyzed carbon-carbon bond formation reactions, oxidation reactions, hydrogenation reactions, esterification and amidation reactions, and cross-coupling reactions.

(2) With the background of (1) above, to enhance the functionality of the software, the candidate should have basic knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint, Python, and Linux, and the following experience and abilities
   -Experience in programming and the ability to read and translate Fortran77 into Python.
   -(2) The candidate should be able to use RDKit, one of the representative open-source libraries used in the field of chemoinformatics, and have the ability to simplify the proprietary development parts of old systems by using these libraries.

(3) With the background in (1) above, the project will be conducted on Mac, Linux, and Windows, so the candidate should have practical experience in data analysis and program development projects using the OS listed above.

(4) Language skills: Daily conversational level in Japanese and business level in English (English is the only language required for the work/research).
日本語力Japanese level Daily conversation
雇用形態Employment type Contract
勤務エリアLocation Ibaraki
勤務時間Working hours full flexible working
想定年収Salary ¥4M - ¥8M
条件・待遇Condition [Conditions]
Employment Type: Contract
Trial period: None
Estimated annual income: ¥4M - ¥8M
Work location: Tsukuba city (Can work remotely several times a week depending on the situation.)
Working hours: flexible working hours
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays, anniversary of the founding of the university (October 1)
Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available
Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), use of welfare facilities (University Hall, Researcher Exchange Facilities)and other benefits
選考についてProcess [About selection]
Number of applicants: 1
Documents required for application: Curriculum vitae (in a specified format), list of accomplishments (any format), names, affiliations, and contact information of at least two persons who can make inquiries about the applicant
Online interview: Available
Interview language: English(/Japanese)
Number of interviews (flow): 1 time/document screening (1st round) and interview screening (2nd round)
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate
Comments from United World
You will be working at a graduate school that researches one of the most advanced technologies in Japan!
Put your knowledge of chemistry, programming skills and English to work in research and development.