Example of motivation for changing jobs to mechanical design|Explanation of points and cautions.


  • Career Advice

Jobs in mechanical design are in high demand and have a promising future. For this reason, some people may be considering a career change to a mechanical design job.

Some people may be wondering what kind of motivation they should write about when changing jobs. In this article, we will introduce some points and example sentences for writing a motive for applying for a new job in mechanical design. We also explain some points to keep in mind when writing a motivation for application, so please be sure to read to the end.

What is Mechanical Design?


To begin with, mechanical design is a profession that designs the mechanisms and systems that make machines work. The process of manufacturing machines is largely divided into "design" and "manufacturing. Mechanical design is the upstream process, and machines are built based on this design data. Therefore, mechanical designers can be said to play an important role in the design process.

Mechanical designers are involved in the design of a wide variety of machines. These include not only familiar home appliances, but also smartphones, PCs, and machine tools used in factories, etc.

Duties of a Mechanical Designer

The main tasks of mechanical designers are product planning, specification determination, and design. This work can be categorized into the following four processes

Conceptual Design

In conceptual design, concepts and plans for machines are created. This is the process of hearing what kind of machine the client and planners want to manufacture based on discussions with them, and determining the rough shape of the machine, parts, materials, and so on. We also summarize the technology required to manufacture the machine.

Basic Design

Based on the details determined in the conceptual design, we use CAD, CAE, and other tools to verify whether the design can be realized. Basic design is to examine whether it is acceptable to proceed with the project as is, while conducting analysis and simulation over and over again.

Detailed Design

Once verification through basic design is complete, we move on to detailed design. In this stage, we further examine the shapes and materials that can be realistically manufactured, taking into account strength, cost, and other factors. In addition, safety and environmental considerations are also taken into account, and samples are generally used to confirm the results.

Production Design

If there are no problems in the detailed design, final design drawings are created, taking into consideration the mass production system. This is where all the specific materials, parts, technologies, etc. to be used are determined.

Knowledge and skills required for mechanical design

Knowledge of the field of mechanical engineering is essential for mechanical designers. In particular, it is advisable to acquire knowledge of mechanics, such as mechanical mechanics and material mechanics.

The ability to think logically is also an indispensable skill for mechanical design. In basic and detailed design, problems in manufacturing are eliminated through repeated verification. The ability to logically analyze the problems that emerge and think about how to solve them is necessary.

In mechanical design work, tools such as CAD, CAE, and CAM are used. Therefore, it is also important to be able to use these tools.

In the initial conceptual design, it is also necessary to hold meetings with clients and planners to hear what kind of machine they want to manufacture. In order to listen well, it is also a good idea to have good communication skills.

Qualifications that can be applied to mechanical design work

There are no specific qualifications that you need to acquire in order to work in mechanical design. Therefore, as long as you have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills, you have a chance to work as a mechanical designer. However, having qualifications related to mechanical design work may give you an advantage in application screening and interviews, so you should consider acquiring qualifications.

The qualifications that can be applied to mechanical design work are as follows.

Mechanical Design Engineer Examination

This is a private certification examination administered by the Japan Mechanical Designers' Association, with levels 1-3 available.

Level 2 requires graduation from an industrial university and at least three years of work experience. In addition, Level 1 requires a minimum of four years of work experience after obtaining Level 2.

CAD User Engineer Examination

The CAD Application Technician Examination is a certification that proves that the applicant has the skills to use CAD. 2-D CAD and 3-D CAD each have their own level. 2-D CAD Level 1 is subdivided into mechanical, architectural, and tracing.

CAD Practical Career Certification

The CAD Practical Career Certification is designed to certify practical skills related to CAD. There is no pass/fail grading, but rather a score is used to evaluate the operation and other aspects of the certification.

Points to consider when writing your motivation for a career change to mechanical design


If you want to change your job to mechanical design, you also need to consider your motivation. The following are points to consider when writing your reason for applying for a job.


  • Be specific about why you want to change jobs
  • Clarify why you must work for that company.
  • Describe your skills and experience that can be applied to mechanical design work
  • Show that you can contribute to the company
  • Show that you are willing to continue learning after joining the company

Be specific about why you want to change jobs.

If you are changing from your current job to mechanical design, it is important to be specific about why you want to change jobs. Mechanical design is a specialized job, and not just anyone can do it. Because of the high demand, it is necessary to think about machines all day long, and hiring managers are looking to see if you are passionate about mechanical design and why you want to work as a mechanical designer.

If you write your motivation for applying for a job based on abstract reasons such as "because I want to make money" or "because I have good future prospects," the hiring manager will not understand your enthusiasm and you may be eliminated from the selection process. To avoid this, be specific about why you want to change jobs.

When writing your reasons, it is important to put them into your own words, rather than just writing a template you picked up off the Internet. If you have any specific events or episodes that led you to pursue a career in mechanical design, please introduce them in your motivation for applying.

Clarify why you must work for that company.

Mechanical design is in high demand, and many companies have job openings available. Although it is the same mechanical design job, the types of machines you will be responsible for designing and the tasks you will be in charge of will differ from company to company.
Companies want to hire people who say, "I want to be involved in the design of XX at this company," rather than people who say, "I chose a company that offers good treatment. Therefore, try to clarify why you have to work for that company and create a motivation for your application. It is possible to narrow down the reasons why you must work for the company based not only on its business but also on the products it handles, its corporate culture, and its user base.

Describe the skills and experience you can apply to the mechanical design business.

Since each company's business differs slightly, the skills and experience that can be applied to the job will also differ. Before writing your motivation, read the company's job description and job openings, and describe how your skills and experience can be used in the mechanical design business.

The skills that can be utilized in mechanical design work include knowledge of the four dynamics and the ability to use CAD/CAM. You can also show that you have logical thinking and communication skills that can be applied to the job.

Show that you can contribute to the company.

It is also important to show how you can contribute to the company in your motivation for applying for the job. If you show that you can contribute to the company, it will show the hiring manager that you have a good understanding of the job and that you are objective about your skills and strengths. It is also a good idea to use your ability to contribute effectively in your personal statement, as it will make it easier to imagine yourself working for the company after you join.

If it is difficult to show what you can contribute to the company, it is also a good idea to explain how you would like to grow in the future. In particular, if you are applying for a position that allows applicants from other fields, future prospects are important, so showing your vision and career path will make it easier to convey your enthusiasm for the job.

Show that you are willing to continue learning even after joining the company.

If you want to change jobs to mechanical design with no experience, you will not be able to showcase your achievements like someone with work experience. However, you can show that you are currently studying for a job in mechanical design and that you are always willing to continue learning after joining a company, even if you have no experience.

In mechanical design work, you have to constantly learn new information and keep learning. Companies understand this, so they will choose someone who has an attitude of continuous learning over someone who does not.

When appealing what you are currently studying, it is also important to explain what you are doing specifically. For example, you may be reading technical books or attending seminars.

At United World, we fully support mechanical design engineers in their job search. Our career advisors will work with you and provide the best advice on your career, from writing your resume to advising you on how to improve your skills for a successful career change. If you have any concerns or questions about changing jobs, please feel free to contact us.

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Example of a motivation for changing jobs to mechanical design


Here are some example sentences of motivation for application. Please do not use the example sentences as they are, but rather use them only as a reference and create your own words.

Example of a motivation for application (1): Changing jobs from software design

I am currently involved in software design. Although software design is a very rewarding job, I decided to change jobs because I have a strong desire to be involved in mechanical design, which is what I was originally interested in. I applied to your company because I was impressed by the fact that I could be involved in the design of home appliances that are familiar to our daily lives and by your policy of hiring people with enthusiasm, even if they have no experience.
Although I had no experience in the business, I obtained the 3rd level of the Mechanical Design Engineer Examination and the 2nd level of the 2D CAD User Engineer Examination so that I could be involved in mechanical design work.

I would like to contribute to mechanical design work by utilizing the skills I have acquired through my qualifications and the problem-solving skills I have cultivated in software design."

This motivation for application states why you want to work in mechanical design and why you applied to the company. In addition, while honestly stating that he has no experience in the business, he also shows that he has studied and has qualifications related to mechanical design and that he would like to contribute to the company by utilizing his skills. It is easier to gain an advantage in the selection process if you can show your efforts to actually become a mechanical designer rather than just conveying your enthusiasm.

Example of motivation for application (2): Changing jobs from IT engineer

I majored in mechanical engineering at university, but after graduation I worked as an engineer at an IT company. However, I could not forget my childhood dream of designing automobiles, so I am studying to obtain CAD qualifications while working as an IT engineer.

In addition to studying CAD, I also continue to study mechanics, which is essential for machine design, and I am proud to say that I have basic knowledge as an engineer. I would like to contribute to your company, which has given me a chance even as an inexperienced engineer, by accurately grasping the needs and creating automobiles that people want to drive.

This is an example of a motivation for applying for a job that makes a point of appealing what you have studied and continue to study when you were a student. Having basic knowledge as an engineer may give you an advantage in the selection process compared to someone with no experience at all. It would be a good idea to make a good appeal in your motivation for applying for a job.

What to Consider When Writing a Motivation for a Career Change to Mechanical Design


The motivation for application is an important item that demonstrates your enthusiasm for working as a mechanical designer for a company and your willingness to contribute to the company. There are several points to keep in mind when writing such a motivation. After writing your motivation, check to see if any of the following points apply to you.

Don't write too many descriptions of the company's treatment of its employees.

While it is important to consider salary and benefits when choosing a company, it is not a good idea to write too much about benefits in your motivation. If you write only about benefits, you may come across as unenthusiastic about the job.

Since the space to write your motivation is limited, it is best to avoid writing about the benefits and use it to show your enthusiasm and yourself.

Don't push your attitude of learning too much.

However, if you write only about your studies, you may be perceived as only thinking about your own growth. Basically, "I want to learn at your company" and "I want to improve my skills while studying at your company" are passive motives, so be careful not to push them too far.

In order to avoid pushing too hard only for study, it is also important to show how you can contribute to the company through your studies.

Avoid content that may lower the image of your previous job.

You should not write anything in your application, including your motivation for applying for a job, that would reflect negatively on your previous employer. Even if the company you are applying for is in a different industry from the one you are applying for, writing bad words, complaints, or whining about your previous job will lower your own impression. It may also make the hiring manager think that you may quit immediately if you are dissatisfied with the position.

Even if you actually had problems at your previous job that led you to change jobs, be careful not to write anything negative.

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In this article, we have introduced key points, sample sentences, and points to keep in mind concerning the motive for applying for a new job as a mechanical designer. Even if you have no experience or are changing jobs from a different industry, you may be able to gain an advantage in the selection process by devising how to write your motivation. The example sentences are for reference only, so please try to write your own motivation in your own words.

If you are looking for a career change to mechanical design, please consider using United World, where a dedicated career advisor will work closely with you to support your job search. We can also introduce you to suitable mechanical design jobs in a variety of industries, so please consider registering with us.

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