• Full-time

Publication date: 2025.02.04

Company name not disclosed

Web Engineer *Foreign company group

  • System Engineers / Infrastructure Engineers / Web Engineers / Game Developers
  • Tokyo
  • Salary 4 to 12 million yen
職種Position System Engineers / Infrastructure Engineers / Web Engineers / Game Developers
会社概要Company profile Deliver "diverse possibilities" to the world through IT services.

Continue to provide "a place where all individuality can shine."

As a member of a long-established global IT group,
we have been established to achieve this.

★Has been doing business with many listed corporate clients for over 10 years
★Salary increase rate of 120% (actual figures)
★More than 120 days of annual leave, weekends and holidays off, overtime of up to 20 hours per month
★Hybrid work (work from home/remote work possible)

☆A beautiful office environment that has just been relocated
☆Full discretionary power and performance-based compensation system unique to a venture!
☆Looking for future leader candidates!
☆You can also aim to advance your career in the consulting field◎
仕事内容Job description You will utilize your advanced expertise to work as an engineer in a wide range of areas, including client system development, infrastructure construction, implementation, operation and maintenance, and help desk.
応募資格Requirement [Requirements]
- Business-level Japanese language skills (N1 level)
- 3+ years of practical experience in development, infrastructure, PM, PMO, etc.
日本語力Japanese level Business
雇用形態Employment type Full-time
勤務エリアLocation Tokyo
勤務時間Working hours 9:00-18:00
想定年収Salary 4 to 12 million yen
条件・待遇Condition [Conditions]
Employment type: Full-time
Trial period: 3 months
Expected annual salary: 4 million to 12 million yen
Work location: Kanto
Working hours: 9:00 to 18:00
Holidays: Two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday)
Vacation: Special leave, paid vacation
■Transportation expenses paid (up to 50,000 yen)
■Overtime allowance
■Travel allowance (fully paid)
■Position allowance
■Qualification allowance
Salary increase: Once a year *Depending on performance
Various systems
■Member of Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association
(Discounts for high-end restaurants, sports gyms, famous theme parks, campsites, etc.)
■Full social insurance (employment, industrial accident, health, welfare pension)
■Regular health check-up
■Qualification acquisition support system
■Shortened working hours system (negotiable)
■Babysitter system
■Office casual (wear a suit during business meetings)
■Referral system
選考についてProcess 1 interview
*Available online
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