• Full-time

Publication date: 2024.09.30

Company name not disclosed

[Dialogue AI Engine] AI Engineer(12549)

  • R&D / Engineer /Technician (AI, Data)
  • Tokyo
  • Salary ¥4M~¥9M
【対話AIエンジン】AIエンジニア (12549)
職種Position R&D / Engineer /Technician (AI, Data)
会社概要Company profile This position is available only for people residing in Japan.

They are a company that independently develops a Japanese dialogue AI engine and provides it to companies.
Currently, it is used for communicating with the elderly and at the reception desk for condominium sales,
but their independently developed engine has been well received and they have received inquiries from the automotive industry and call centers, among others, so development is progressing and they are a company that is expected to grow.
仕事内容Job description You will be responsible for the development and maintenance of their proprietary AI engine together with the CTO and development team. The CTO and team members are mostly senior and experienced, so you will have an environment where you can grow.
応募資格Requirement [Required requirements]
・Experience with machine learning, NLP, LLM, Python, etc.
・Library: experience with scikit-learn, TensorFlow, etc.
(Those who have experienced the above through university research are also welcome)
・Japanese proficiency: Those who can interview in Japanese

[Welcome requirements]
・NLP practical experience
・Knowledge of statistical analysis
・Those who actively communicate
日本語力Japanese level Advance (Able to interview)
雇用形態Employment type Full-time
勤務エリアLocation Tokyo
勤務時間Working hours 10:00-19:00
想定年収Salary ¥4M~¥9M
条件・待遇Condition Employment Type: Permanent
Trial period: 3 months
Estimated annual income: ¥4M~9M
Work location: Tokyo, remote (come to the office a few times a month)
Working hours:10:00-19:00
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays
Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available
Overtime: Average month 30 hours
Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits
選考についてProcess Number of applicants: 1
Documents required for application: resume, work history
Online interview: Available
Interview language: Japanese
Number of interviews (flow): 2~3 times (final interview is face-to-face)
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate
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