• Full-time

Publication date: 2024.06.11

Company name not disclosed

#2336 [Math x IT] Deputy General Manager, Research and Development Division

  • AI / ML / Data Scientist / System development (Control&Embedding)
  • Tokyo
  • Salary ¥12M - ¥15M
#2336【Math x IT】研究開発本部 副本部長
職種Position AI / ML / Data Scientist / System development (Control&Embedding)
会社概要Company profile [Company Profile]
This is an AI development company whose mission is to solve social issues through mathematics and to accompany their clients and partners in their digital transformation (DX).
Based on core elemental technologies of mathematics, they develop solutions using various cutting-edge AI engines such as manufacturing AI, wind AI, construction AI, logistics AI, retail AI, and bio AI, and by freely combining these advanced technologies, they help their clients solve their problems.
仕事内容Job description [Attractive points of company/work]
- Many of their employees have earned doctoral degrees, and the environment is one in which you can grow and be stimulated by the members around you.
- The company is rooted in an academic culture.
- This is a challenging position that requires all-round communication with customers, management, business units, and corporate, in addition to managing engineers and organizations from a business management and strategic perspective related to AI technology research and development.

[Job description]
As deputy general manager of the Research and Development Division, which oversees AI engineers, you will assist the general manager in managing and supervising the division staff.
The company is an AI start-up company and is engaged in image recognition, video recognition, natural language processing, data analysis, AI robotics, and application development.

- Predictive maintenance and power generation forecasting AI for wind power facilities
- Predictive AI in factories
- Cart operation AI
- Digital AI for urban planning
- Flooding AI in construction sites
- Picking AI in warehouses
- Route optimization AI in logistics
- Recommendation AI for e-commerce sites
- Matching AI for financial data
- Robotic AI for drug discovery technology
- AI to optimize production process by using data
- Chatbot solutions for corporate clients
- Driving video analysis using in-vehicle cameras
- Body Measurement by Image Recognition and Data Analysis
- Program development of AI robots equipped with our original AI technology
- Other in-house development projects/presentations of research content, etc.

[Development Environment]
Programming languages: Python, C/C++ (3D data processing, etc.)
Version control: git
Code management: github
Document co-editing: Google Workspace
In-house chat: Slack
Virtual environment management: Docker/pyenv/poetry
Unit testing: pytest
CI: github actions
Machine learning: pytorch/tensorflow/scikit-learn
Public Cloud: GCP/AWS
Backend: FastAPI/flask
応募資格Requirement [Requirements]
■ Native level Japanese language skills

In addition, experience in any of the following
■Experience in formulating and implementing R&D strategies and policies
■Experience in organizational management of an engineering department
■Experience in launching a business, designing a plan, and implementing its promotion
■Experience in achieving organizational budgets as a responsible person

[Preferred requirements]
■Research and development experience in the field of machine learning
■Degree, achievement, or similar in computer science, mathematics, physics, engineering
■Have been the first author of a paper accepted for an international conference or journal
■Deep knowledge of AI, machine learning and related fields (one field or strong field such as computer vision, deep learning, reinforcement learning, natural language processing, statistics, mathematical optimization, robotics, autonomous control, mathematical science, physics, etc.)
■PM and PL experience
Experience leading product and service development, release and development experience
■Git, Docker, Kubernetes experience
日本語力Japanese level None
雇用形態Employment type Full-time
勤務エリアLocation Tokyo
勤務時間Working hours Flexible working hours
想定年収Salary ¥12M - ¥15M
条件・待遇Condition [Conditions]
Employment Type: Permanent
Trial period: 6months
Estimated annual income: ¥12M - ¥15M
Work location: Tokyo
Working hours: Flextime system (8 hours/day), Core time 11:00~14:00 with 1 hour break
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays
Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available
Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits
選考についてProcess [About selection]
Number of applicants: 1
Documents required for application: resume, resume of work
Online interview: Available
Interview language: Japanese/English
Number of interviews (flow): 1 (Document Screening ⇒ Interview) *Final interview will be conducted in person.)
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate
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