• Full-time

Publication date: 2025.02.04

Company name not disclosed

[Waste Automation] Robot Engineer (Japanese language ability not required) (11594)

  • AI / ML / Data Scientist / System development (Control&Embedding)
  • Tokyo
  • Salary ¥6M - ¥9M(Depending on your experience, you can ea
【廃棄物自動化】ロボットエンジニア (日本語力不問)(11594)
職種Position AI / ML / Data Scientist / System development (Control&Embedding)
会社概要Company profile This position is available only for people residing in Japan.

[Company Profile]
This company is working to turn waste processing plants into smart factories and is developing a system that can automatically sort waste, which is still done manually, with a robot equipped with an image recognition system based on deep learning.
The company is working on those projects/products.
■ Introduced an AI automatic dispatch system to solve the labor shortage
■ Introduce robots equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) to improve work efficiency
■ Factory automation through the development and service provision of IoT devices, etc.

[Attractive points of company/work]
・ You can work on solving social problems through the business.
・ Emphasis is placed on teamwork, and cooperation with members is trained in a family-like environment.
・ It is an environment with a high professional level, with human resources who are multinational and have a wealth of knowledge.
仕事内容Job description You will development of the product, an automatic garbage sorting robot(including humanoid robots).
応募資格Requirement [Requirements]
・Development experience using ROS (control of industrial robots)
・Experience with C++ and Python
・Business Chinese or English ability is required
・Japanese ability is not required.

[Preferred requirements]
・Japanese language ability
・Experience developing humanoid robots
日本語力Japanese level None
雇用形態Employment type Full-time
勤務エリアLocation Tokyo
勤務時間Working hours 9:00 -18:00
想定年収Salary ¥6M - ¥9M(Depending on your experience, you can ea
条件・待遇Condition Employment Type: Permanent
Trial period: 3 months
Estimated annual income:¥6M - ¥9M(Depending on your experience, you can earn more than 9 million yen.)
Work location: Tokyo
Working hours: 9: 00 -18: 00
Holidays: 2 days a week (Saturdays and Sundays), national holidays
Vacation: Summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other vacations available
Overtime: None
Benefits: Complete social insurance, commuting allowance (according to company regulations), and other benefits
選考についてProcess Number of applicants: 1
Documents required for application: resume, resume of work
Online interview: Unavailable(because they want to meet and make a prompt decision)
Interview language: Japanese, English, Chinese
Number of interviews (flow): 2~4 times
Application for overseas residents: Unavailable
* May change depending on the situation of the candidate
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